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The Wandering Wizard

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Everything posted by The Wandering Wizard

  1. I just don’t care anymore if I lose @The Halcyon Girl for when she gets back
  2. Yeah except Mods cuz not all like being summoned here
  3. "My crow, my crow, my crow," murmured Emma holding Calano and softly stroking his hait. "I'm here and yours again. Now and forever." @CalanoCorvus
  4. The armies of Kaos The connection spiraled outwards reaching the creations of Kaos and inexplicably they became creations of the light. Protectors and guardians instead of destroyers and polluters. The mindspace A white tiger waited as Emma slowly materialized. Her dress was a pure light violet, purified from the dark stain of Kaos. Upon seeing the tiger she fell to her knees and began sobbing. "I-I'm s-sor-ry," Emma barely choked out between sobs. The tiger descended upon her and enveloped her in a warm hug. The kind where the love fills every corner of your being. The one where their love meets your tears and brings them on stronger because of their deep, pure love. "It's alright," rumbled Wizard's deep tones. "I forgive you and I always will sis. Now breath in," grinned Wizard as he lightly head butted her. Emma complied and took in a shuddering breath. "Don’t every change brother," laughed Emma bitterly through the tears. "Well with you being connected to the light and all now I won't ever be too far away." Wizard turned his head to the starlit sky, "and who knows? Maybe I'll be given leave to come back! Anyways you should go back now, your crow is waiting and your new responsibility as a second creator." "O-oh. That's what happened?" Wizard nodded his head, "it’s the only way he knew and the only one that would have permanently worked. Your minds are also joined now. Rather like the Aes Sedai warder bond though much stronger and intimate." Wizard looked wistful, "more like the rider and dragon bond from alagaësia actually." "Anyways It's time for you to be getting back." Tears began to fall from both Emma and Wizard and in unison cried, "I'll miss you." Both chuckled at that as Emma slowly faded away and Wizard whispered a few last words. "Stay close to him. He's going to need you in the coming days." Back at the Study Slowly Emma blinked open her eyes and felt his presence in her mind. Rolling over she turned and saw him still knocked out. Groaning she stood up and walked over to Calano. Bending down she smiled as she kissed him. "Good morning sleepy head." @CalanoCorvus
  5. Hurriedly Emma began to wrap her mind in darkness, but she froze as she truly heard and felt his words. This is what I want right? This...darkness and confusion? Wasn't this so I could have a life and family with him? But wasn’t I already on that path? Why...why did I stray? In that moment of pure light, Emma realized the greatest lie of the darkness. That there was no other way when there always was. He'd always been there showing her that there was another way, a higher, better way. Already she could feel the darkness closing in again, trying to cloud her mind. Gritting her teeth she shoved all of the darkness out of her, letting it hover in the air. "Destroy it!" Emma whispered, her voice raw with pain, Oh Wizard I'm sorry. "Destroy the dark with all of the light! It's the only way to free me! Please my Crow, free me!" @CalanoCorvus
  6. Happy birthday Symph!!!! ^_^

    1. SymphonianBookworm



  7. * poofs into being as a dragon wizard lord thingie *
  8. Ah yes, wind chimes and Dragons and @Shining Silhouette's throne
  9. Emma smiled sweetly as her sword intercepted his stroke. Her sword sung as they clashed, humming its deadly song and she twirled in her dress as she moved. Almost it was an elaborate dance in formal clothes with blades acting as their hands. Emma locked eyes with Calano over the dance blades and quickly broke eye contact. She shoke her head and resolved to focus on the blinding sword instead of his intoxicating eyes. This was the only way, wasn't it? Don't I have to destroy him? @CalanoCorvus A cold chuckle resounded around him. "Boy you aren't going anywhere yet." The ground rippled and thousands of twisted figures emerged from the earth infront of then. Their forms were haggard and their eyes gleamed with a purple light. At their head rested a figure in a dark violet suit of armor. The seamless quality seemed to boast shardplate but it glowed with an inner dark light. The man flicked open the visor to reveal Meridas Amaran albeit missing a few parts. Casually he flicked down the helmet and shouted "CHARGE!!!" @Thaidakar the Ghostblood @The Bookwyrm @InfiniteInsanity (and anyone else who wants to pop in for a fun battle. Also anyone can RP the armies responses. I don’t really care, go to town on them and have fun!!!)
  10. Emma's eyes flashed onyx black and darkness rippled from her. Her hair blew back in an unseen breeze and a longsword rippling with darkness fell into her waiting hands. Her seemingly soulless eyes stared at Calano and she bit off one last vengeful barb, "as you wish, my crow." @CalanoCorvus
  11. Emma casually brushed his hands off her face. "Because it was nothing," she hissed out. "I only needed you to return to draw out the Light. That's all." @CalanoCorvus
  12. Emma laughed, the cold amused sound echoing through the chamber. "You can not purge the dark from me, for I AM THE DARKNESS!" As her voice reached a crescendo, the wedding rings shattered. "There's no need to keep up the illusion now." Emma's expression became merciless and her eyes cold. "I never loved you Calano. I was infatuated for a bit, yes. But it didn't last. I never told you because back then I didn't want to hurt you. But now...now the darkness demands the truth be given. You were never my crow. Nor was I meant to be yours or you meant to be mine." Emma turned slightly away, hiding a single tear that she quickly blinked away. @CalanoCorvus
  13. Just started a fresh Monster Hunter Rise game with my brother! It's such a great game and I find something new to learn each time I replay it
  14. Probably the ability to shape-shifting. Though who's it coming from Anyone wanna ask me some questions?
  15. Would you rather have a magic system that affects physical things or more internal/mental things(like emotions)?
  16. Sorry about that. My choices got increasingly more kayana as I got more tired and lost having as much time for the game. Thanks for your help Archer! I just didn't have the energy or really time to do it effectively. I nearly made a PM with Mat or Drake instead of with Kas. I wonder how different it would have been if I did that. Perhaps a bit more backstabbing :P. Thanks to Devo and Ash for running it! Twas a good experience. Just need to remember learned lessons. And you too Aman for all that you did! Good thing you weren't a player or you'd have been my first convert choice >:P
  17. I can guess a little perhaps. Alone but not lonely is indeed very nice. Perhaps just two alone is not lonely as well. Which is better. I don’t know. Perhaps both are needed to be away from the crowds and just too many people.
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