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The Wandering Wizard

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Everything posted by The Wandering Wizard

  1. Tis late but

    Happy birthday brother!!

    I hope you're having an amazing time with all of your loved ones near you.

    You're amazing. Don't you ever forget it.

    1. Medium


      oh i had a great six hour party wit my homies followed by an epic lightsaber fight with my main homie

      it was siiiiick today

  2. I mean people can always jump over to Taldain to double their votes, but the whole Avatar giving out charges can make that dangerous...unless they end up just fueling the double votes >:P
  3. Don't then. Wait till I prove you either way. Cuz Idk why it did but Kas yelling at me got me back into the game. Actually rereading rn.
  4. Well it's kinda both. The Sel doc is lonely... And honestly part of it was to see how invisible I was when I noticed that I was while chameleoning. I'm not opposed to being exed as I don't feel there's much I can do to help and my activity is going to dive even lower next week.
  5. The Study Emma's heart burned with desire at his words and she half stood up and then sat back down in her chair. The plan to save him wouldn't work if she fell all over him. No matter that she wanted to be held by his arms again, to be kissed by him again. But no, she couldn't. Not yet. Her voice caught slightly as she responded, "Hello, my crow."
  6. Been a while since I've done one of these

    I've been doing well enough. Just paralyzed when trying to help sometimes. Just part of the double edged sword. And I’ve been missing friends a lot as well.

    That's enough of that though.

    I've been memorizing Shatter Me to slam for FSY hopefully and I rewrote some of it. Only have the first half memorized but it's almost there ^_^


    Shatter me

    Tear me down

    Shove me to the brink

    Toss me over

    Sending me careening into the depths of






    Take my fear

    Rip it

    Twist it

    Grow it into thorny, insidious vines

    Choking me in fear of





    The light



    Take my bridges

    Shatter my friends

    Rip my family apart

    Dissolve the bonds of kinship

    Watch as those bridges fall into the bottomless chasm below

    Leaving me stranded when the storms come





    Send the storms 

    Hide me from sight in their embrace

    The smothering darkness

    Let it choke out the light

    Let the rain freeze me

    The wind toss me

    The lightning strike me

    The boulders crush me

    End this misery for me

    This wretched excuse for a life

    I don't care





    Take me to the eye of the storm

    Show me the bleakness before

    The utter darkness and desolation to come

    This path through life

    Stormtossed forever more 

    There never was another choice

    No other way

    There was never light, only darkness

    This is the only choice, to end it

    It's time to say goodbye

    Time to end it,

    With a knife

    There never was another way




    Also might have some writing stuff if I decide to transcribe it on my phone which takes forever. But a piece or two maybe. Short ones probably. 

    Hmmm, I'm rambling again

    Anyways I hope that you all are doing well and if not. I'm always here if you want to talk. Just shoot me a PM or whatever you prefer. I'm here for you :) <3

    And here's some cute animals to help as well :) 




  7. Happy birthday!!! 

    Hopefully it's been a good one! ^_^

    1. DramaQueen


      Thanks! Yeah, it's been really good!

  8. Good luck! Kinda been intentional ghosting because I've just not been in a solving mood and trying for a chill game. I never did get that poem slamdown last game >:( And I completely forgot that ties kill no one. Already forgot about the end of LG 89 and Stick's last minute ties dooming the village and saving her team.
  9. Maybe, thought about messing and making a tie because someone has to do it >:P Mostly just exhausted and trying to not chameleon again. Ah screw it, I don't care who of the two who dies Matrim Archer
  10. I'd agree with this because it was something we used to get him exed in MR61 or tried to. Can't quite remember.
  11. I'm late but happy birthday Telrao! May you have all the cats!! ^_^

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