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The Wandering Wizard

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Everything posted by The Wandering Wizard

  1. Emma glanced over the field in her mind. "Guard the cliffs to the south." Her soulless violet eyes piercing into his soul, "there you will find newly constructed rampart and Kaos creations to aid you." Emma turns to Lark and TAAron, her black hair flowing in an unseen wind. "You take the east side Lark and you the West, TAAron. New defenses and Kaos creations will aid you." Emma's eyes hardened, "and I will meet Calano on the field of battle, for the last time. He will join me and be mine or he will be crushed like everyone who has ever resisted." @The Bookwyrm @The Aspiring Archivist @Nameless* To the north lay a massive fortress. The ground peeled away underneath it as the fortress floated up into the sky. @CalanoCorvus @InfiniteInsanity @Edema Ruh @Being of Cacophony @Shadowed @That1Cellist @xinoehp512 @Ati16 @Thaidakar the Ghostblood (sorry if I forgot anyone, please tag anyone I forgot)
  2. Odium does not like Hoid Bavadin, the enemy Ruin doesn't help Khriss These are the dangerous Shards to the various groups. Delivered in Haiku form Just some thoughts about the most dangerous Shards to each respective faction. With Autonomy being dangerous to all.
  3. Wait, really? Sorry 'bout that. Nah. I say just chuck investiture at people and see what happens :eyes:
  4. I think I'll just be simply known as The poet. @Ashbringer A man of few and yet many words at the same time
  5. Been kinda bored lately in the summer. But I think I finally found some things to do and keep me from being bored!

    And I also have memorized the first five stanzas of Shatter Me!!! :D

    Anyways, I hope that you all are having an amazing day, wherever you are ^_^

    1. Szeth_Pancakes


      Imagine not having a month left in school

    2. The Bookwyrm

      The Bookwyrm

      I don't have to

    3. J. Magi

      J. Magi

      yeah, before school ended I had all these projects I wanted to do but now that its summer, I don't feel like doing any of them lol

  6. I'm just sad I was killed C1 and that you never died to join me Thanks for running it Kas and for IMing Araris! Here are some quick Haikus, orderly and all. Take that Ripling! >:P C1 Twas a very fun game The poet experience Was sadly cut short C2 I would join once more Though long dead, messages reach The living to haunt C3 Twas a nasty trick The old man did play. Yet tricks Hid one, Village green C4 Once what was hidden Now brought to light. Justice shall be obeyed once more I am beyond your reach now! I am as free in the wind as free as my verses once were in life. - Scrap of paper (Rambleton)
  7. Did just receive word that a friend that's been wanting to join SE is going to be joining He's played mafia on another site so all I ask is for a nice warm SE stab- welcome
  8. Lighter topics are like autumn breezes Rare, few, practically nonexistent But welcomed when they pipe up Except in war There's no time to talk No time to think No time to question Questioning gets you killed And it leaves them alone Questioning but not questioning As they say, "Good soldiers follow orders" But that has just ended in tragedy In the stories So well Do we question? Or do we follow orders and keep order? Questions must be asked This is my prime belief A prime tenant of my religion One that I have rarely found I don't even know it's name Except That everything must be questioned But also Orders must be followed Even blindly Because It creates order So then Does order require blindness? Or is our kind of order flawed? These are deep and traitorous questions But yet I believe They must be asked Because How can we right them peacefully If we don't ask them? All around us Lie secrets buried Hidden for a reason Still they should be unearthed For the poison They breath upon the land Necessary? Yes But also poisonous It's time to discover them Drag them from the depths And remove their poison Upon this land - Unknown [OOC: I guess he's kinda like a pseudo philosopher as well Currently my vote is on Alpha but I'm not going to tell you all if it changes Been kinda busy but then I kinda just mostly signed up for a Kas game and for poems ]
  9. Emma flourished her hand upwards, a movement not necessary but the power she felt as the storms gathered above her fingertips. The sky blackened and lightning cracked into gleaming eyes and extended into luminous, crackling scales. The rattling of forming scales filled the encampment as the Kaos created using the twisted strands of lightning. A vast army of scaled lightning creatures awaited in the sky, many of them various forms of dragons, some were reptiles and many more were unrecognizable creations of Kaos. And the ground too rumbled underfoot and many loud groanings and creakings were heard from the trees in the forest as they shifted, grew, and twisted. @Nameless* @The Aspiring Archivist @The Bookwyrm @CalanoCorvus @InfiniteInsanity @That1Cellist @Edema Ruh @xinoehp512 @Shadowed @Thaidakar the Ghostblood
  10. On that day, years ago The rivers ran red With the blood of that man Not forgotten, not by me Rivers ran red with innocent blood Yet traitorous too? Never was there a truer man A more devoted general Yet he still died Forgotten and alone Only one widow was made that day Yet the tears of many stained the snow Not just the cold freezing their hearts But the truth that nested deep inside And a burning question, some dared to ask "Why? Why did he have to die?" This man more myth than legend Yet he to was felled like a common tree Hewn from his roots and left to return to the ground Where the 80 suns could shine on him no more His spears were shattered His swords turned into slab All that was left of the metal was a small cube That was left for his grieving widow A tiny metal cube All that was left of the great work Carved by his bloody weapons There had been over 100 names for him Now a single one was left Branded on top of his grave TRAITOR A once great legacy Dragged through the muck And now all that was left was A mystery An enigma [OOC: Been far too long since I've written some free verse poetry And I guess Rambleton is now a sympathizer as well which should lead to some hilarious clashes, how are we feeling up for a duel of words/poems Fifth :eyes: Just wanted to finish the poem and I'll re-read over the thread with fresh eyes in the morning. Recieved some interesting offers so far though I will note]
  11. You are right! Clearly I need to reread the rules xD Free PMs finally though! Hopefully I don't pull a chameleon though
  12. Been a while, at least it feels like it's been a long time How are you my fellow poet, Ripling(Fifth)?
  13. Kinda, it just been more they've gotten things earlier than me because I never really fought to get things. Instead kinda fighting against driving instead of for it
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