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The Wandering Wizard

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Everything posted by The Wandering Wizard

  1. \(^._.^)/ *Waves paws* Hello! I see that we are back at it again! >:) @Frustration @dannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnex @Szeth's Facepalm @shortcake @Cinnamon
  2. If you could take up a shard, would you? And what shard would you take up if you could of the 16? And what shard would you be if you were a shard?
  3. Happy birthday Quantus!

    Hope that you are having a great day! :D

  4. Welcome to the shard! If given the opportunity would you take up a shard?
  5. Oops, nearly forgot. Today is my shardiversity, guess that's a long standing tradition around here :P

    But I just want to take a moment to thank all of you incredible people for the great positive impact you have had on my life and the change that joining this site has had on me. It's been such a wonderful year and so many people have had such a large impact on me I am a different person than I was when I first joined. I've become a much different person than I was when I nearly took my life in February. I'm in a much better place in almost all the ways. I'm still finding my way around, but I feel much better about my future, in a better place for my mental health and I have an incredible group of friends that have helped me and continue to help me. Well not friends really anymore, just siblings in all but name. And I feel it would be unfair unless I called everyone all out and then we would be here forever because I'd be naming everyone I'd ever interacted with. Just keep on being yourselves and the incredible people that you are!!!

    To many more years with you incredible people! ^_^

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Robin Sedai

      Robin Sedai

      Happy shardiversary Wiz! I still remember when you joined haha, you posted so much. Glad you stuck around, it's a pleasure to know you!

    3. Sequence



      remember your early days...

      Hundreds of posts and a dozen followers in no time at all...

      Ah yeah I remember this! Wizard was like, the fastest growing in popularity. It was crazy :D.

    4. The Wandering Wizard

      The Wandering Wizard

      THANK YOU ALL!!!! YOU ALL ARE THE MOST INCREDIBLE PEOPLE THAT I KNOW! Even those I haven't interacted with much, I look forward to interacting with you more! ^_^

  6. *Blinks* *Lets Aes run* *reads more* This scene idea came from a conversation with a friend about how many people could fit on a chandelier. *Cough* @The Halcyon Girl *Cough* The Chandelier (what I have so far ^_^)
  7. I have a new poem, tried to start writing a scene yesterday but I didn't quite have time. Hopefully I'll have time to finish it soon. Thy will be done
  8. Then please just keep trying. It's hard to see the good that you have done. But you have done much good even though it doesn't feel like it. You do do a good job. Thank you for what you have given, sister. <3
  9. Indeed. *Hands over cat* Edit: Was responding to Insa not Shortcake xD
  10. *Chitters in utmost agreement* *Fades back into the background*
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