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The Wandering Wizard

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Everything posted by The Wandering Wizard

  1. Emma chuckled, "we all hear voices. If you hear them, know they'll just get you killed. Mine try to do that to me all the time. Once upon a time, they would have succeded." She looked down at her hand and clenched it into a fist, the earth above her head slamming together, "Now the voices will never succed. The Kaos is all, remember that. It can protect you, while the voices just bring pain and death."
  2. Emma turned to him, eyes a solid onyx purple. "Is this god corrupted?"
  3. Emma smiled, "feel the metal deep in the earth and call it towards the surface. Not all the way up, but just lurking underneath for you to thrust the spikes and chunks into them. The kaos will amplify your powers to make such things light and easy. You won't even need metals to do it when running off of kaos." She strode off, heading towards Bookwrym and Lark. Their orders rolled off her quicksliver tongue. "Bookwyrm. Lark. I'm going to need both of you to be on the look out for any gods that try to come, except for Calano. I'll deal with him. But I need you to to neutralize any gods that you were once connected to or can sense, once they enter this realm." Emma turned away from them and left for the center of the small clearing they were in and began to focus her power. The taint of the kaos dripped off her and seeped into the blood of the earth. Ripping it away, casting the chunks into piles around the clearing, creating a barracade around the clearing. @Nameless* @The Bookwyrm @The Aspiring Archivist
  4. *Summons Ferret Dragons* *Rides around, triumphant in glory*
  5. Emma reappeared in the dark forest, the darkness glittering around her, and a dangerous light in her eyes. "Calano, he's ascended and they are coming here. I'll summon the trap once they get close." A hardness entered her voice, "they wouldn't join with us, so they must die. Corrupt who you can, but it might be impossible to corrupt others. They will try to turn you from my embrace of Kaos, don't let them. They will try to trick you, don't listen to them." @The Bookwyrm @CalanoCorvus @The Aspiring Archivist
  6. I rarely cry over such things. Though I have been doing so more lately. Hehe
  7. Emma looked away avoiding his eyes. "It's the only way," she whispered. "It truly is the only way." Slowly she began to disappear as the realm began to fade, her last words echoing around, "It's the only way."
  8. "The Kaos is right though," whispered Emma. "It could stop all of what is wrong in the world. It could stop all the pain from the choices of others who use their ability to choose to hurt." She looked up into his eyes, "Wouldn't it be right to take their choices to harm others? Wouldn't it save so many lives? I'm sorry, but she was right and it's now what I must carry. I'm sorry dear Husband. I'm sorry."
  9. The cat sat in the tumtum tree and thought about how to sleep slap. There you go. Something to puzzle you with
  10. Emma wrapped her arms around Calano and pressed her head against his. "Please, please come with me." Tears began to roll down her cheeks, true tears as she gazed at Calano and the pain of losing him hit all over again. "Please come with me. I can't lose you again and if you don't come, I-I can't stop the power. The light in me would be completely gone if I had to do that. Please, just come with me. The Kaos isn't that bad. It cares for it's own. Please."
  11. It's not hard rules but instead guidelines and it makes a whole lot more sense.
  12. How many ferrets would it take to take down a school?
  13. Emma reached for Calano and slapped him across the face. "It is me," whispered a stung Emma. "It is me." Gently she rested her hand on where she slapped him. "I wish you'd come back to me. I miss you, Calanie. I really do." @CalanoCorvus

    1. AonEne



    2. The Wandering Wizard

      The Wandering Wizard


    3. AonEne


      Literally one of my favorite book series of all time, especially in the second and third arcs, I just love them so much. From the writing style and the humor to the characters and the worldbuilding. Also I'm a rampant shipper. But even the non-romantic relationships are like, aaaahhhh, because everyone's so good!! I love all of them :P 

  15. Emma growled slightly at him and bared her teeth, "don't you know me, Calano?" Emma brushed up against the connection between the two of them that she had been purposefully obscuring until then. "Can't you feel that it is me?"
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