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The Wandering Wizard

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Everything posted by The Wandering Wizard

  1. "And have you considered that for some of us it is better that way?"
  2. Anna looked confused at her, "what do you mean? Richard here just wants to ask him some questions is all. Nothing magical involved."
  3. Anna cautiously took a step forward, "we just need to talk to Calev."
  4. She guides him through campus, to Aster and the unconcious Calev. "Oh...that's going to be a problem isn't it." @Aeoryi @The Bookwyrm
  5. Anna flicked her wrist and a orange circle flared to life around her wrist, sparks leading her towards Calev. She smiled at Richard, "this way my fearless knight."
  6. The door blasted open and two men in rebel uniforms walked in. Hurriedly they dashed over to Emma, "are you alright Madam?" She shook her head slowly, acting dazed. "Yeah I think so Vern." She smiled at them both, "I'm just glad the plan worked out and their tyranny is at an end." "Us too," murmured both of them, not quite believing it was true yet. It was such a far fetched fantasy but yet...they'd done it. They'd really done it and freed the districts. At least that was what Emma let them think, let them think she was Madam Ahna, kind, compassionate and with the best interests of her people. She would play the part for a time and she would enjoy it, it would be good to allow herself to feel again, to care. Perhaps she was insane, she honestly didn't care. It may have been the years but she'd found this way to loop the world. Faking her death or appearing as another person until they forgot her, no one had seen her true form in years and she...she...was okay with that... She had a bet with Madam President, and she wanted to win it. Or maybe not, it wouldn't be so bad what happened if she lost. But it would be incredible if she won, so she'd corrupt these rebels, and quickly. Before the next games were over, they'd be just as violent and bloodthirsty as those who enslaved them, forced them to fight for their entertainment. Their hatred would be a very powerful tool, one she merely had to wield. It woul- "Madam?" A voice intruded on her thoughts. "Madam are you alright?" "Hmmm, yeah I am." She winced, "I think so at least." "Well the council is hailing you." "A-alright, I'll answer in a minute. My head is pounding."
  7. Emma smiled kindly at her, her facial features changing. Her hair shifted from long, black, and straight to shoulder length, curly, and golden yellow. Her eyes faded from violet to one an emerald green and the other sapphire blue. Her dress faded into a more simple, light blue dress and she composed herself.
  8. You will forever be immortalized in my mine as James now
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