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The Wandering Wizard

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Posts posted by The Wandering Wizard

  1. Just now, Edema Rue said:

    "You aren't my mother," Zira said, snarling and baring her fangs. "And that isn't how this is going to go. You're...you're supposed to lose. And I'm supposed to be on top."

    Emma purses her lips, "no that's never how it was going to go, not when I was the one pulling your strings this whole time."

    She smiled viciously and tapped her in the middle of her forehead, "now sleep and remember Zira no more."

  2. Just now, Edema Rue said:

    "Well. Perhaps someday we'll leave together."

    "Perhaps, we shall just have to see."

    A bell rang and Charlotte yelped, "uhm I'm sorry my Lord but I have to go, quickly and uhm...oh you don't have a room. Follow me! Quickly!!"

    She started walking away, as fast as she could, back towards her room.

  3. 1 minute ago, Edema Rue said:

    "Intentionally?" Zira laughed. "Where are your wings, then?"

    "Gone so that I can fulfill my new role."

    Confidently she stalked closer to Zira. 

    "I think it's time Zira sleeps now, Siylna was so much better, don’t you think so, Siylna?"

  4. 1 minute ago, Edema Rue said:

    Zira frowned. "How did- I knew that guard was incompetent. It isn't my fun that's ending, dearie. You're done."

    Emma's smile twisted, "oh and you think you can win? When I let you win last time? When I intentionally let you catch me?"

  5. 16 minutes ago, Edema Rue said:

    He smiled. “I’ll stay, then. Any…ah…advice? For avoiding the danger?”

    "Well avoid offending too many of my family memebers. Uh...watch what you drink and eat, who gives it to you, oh and especially anything flying towards you at high speeds, whether it is a weird cloud or triangles, circles, and squares."

  6. 58 minutes ago, Edema Rue said:

    "I am not expected home for several days," Fen said, "but if it would be improper for me to stay here, then I'm more than happy to find my own accommodations."

    Charlotte blushed slightly, "Well uhm I think I'd like it if you stayed here. Though it might be dangerous for you."

  7. 4 minutes ago, Wittles of Shinovar said:

    I am so sick and tired of being tired. There is almost no way I don't have some sort of sleep disorder, whether it be insomnia or something else. I can never get a full night's sleep unless I've gotten less than 2 hours of sleep in a 24 hour time period. This has been going on for pretty much my whole life but in the past few years, it's really starting to break me. I've tried to joke it off to everyone who mentions sleep while being mad at myself for not just going to sleep, but it's to the point where I can't joke about it anymore. As if that wasn't bad enough, I frequently get in trouble with my parents for not waking up on time and not going to sleep on time and it used to really hurt but I'm just completely numb by now. I've tried just about everything people have recommended to me, but none of it works. I can't just go to sleep and I get in trouble for staying awake, and when I finally get to sleep, it's only a few hours before I get in trouble for not waking up on time. It's just really messing me up and I don't know how to fix it. 

    *hugs just hugs*

  8. 1 minute ago, Edema Rue said:

    Eddie's tired mind accepted, letting the ice encase her and remake her into something new. The roaring bonfire in her heart had gone out. Ashes were all that remained. So she let herself freeze, though no part of her was conscious enough to recognize that she had made a choice. Oblivion. Whatever part of her soul was left scrambled desperately into the cold darkness of oblivion. There was no need to think there, no need to regret, no need to remember. No need to think of love or pain or fire or care. No need to suffer through change, no need to control a world that only wanted freedom. 

    Just silence.

    Cold silence.

    Perhaps there was a person in the ice, somewhere, but perhaps not.

    Perhaps all that remained was a corpse, preserved by the unnatural cold.

    And the ice itself wanted nothing more than to obey. To serve. To work without questioning or choosing.

    Because if it wasn't her choice, then it couldn't be her fault.


    Well it's not a corpse, she's still in there :ph34r:

    The dragoness purred, the cold increasing around her as her domain expanded, transforming trees, people, everything into things of ice.

    So it begins, the reign of the dragons once more.

  9. 1 minute ago, TheRavenHasLanded said:

    Richard smiles. "this wont be worth giggling over once you see the ritual. now, where is calev?"

    Anna shrugged, "I don't know. I could use magic to find him, if that's allowed."

    Just now, Edema Rue said:

    Eddie didn't respond physically or mentally. The dragon sensed a sort of blankness to her, like a canvas with all the paint burned off, left empty save for a few scars. 

    The dragon splashed some color onto her, offering to give her a purpose once more. Not the same life, but a different one, one as the first ice elemental of her army.

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