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The Wandering Wizard

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Everything posted by The Wandering Wizard

  1. It's a song by a instrumental group called Two Steps from Hell. They've got some really good music, some has vocals but no cursing, mostly chanting of sorts kind of . I'd highly recommend them. *Learns Ein musikalischer Spass*
  2. *Plays Wolf King in return* *Secretly watches Cacophony through secret tracking beacon camera thingie*
  3. *Pulls up in massive black trenchcoat* *Opens it to reveal a store of music and instruments Hey kids wanna buy some sheet music? Perhaps I can interest you in a bass?
  4. I see to meanings for the he and that's what I love about poetry is how it can be interpreted. Thank you for sharing this beautiful poem.
  5. I've just accepted my state of perpetually losing :P
  6. Mysterious Forest Growling Emma gathered her power and shattered the field. She barely dodged to the side, but she grasped the grip of the spear and shattered it. Sending shards of light and corrupted light everywhere.
  7. That's too small a horizon! Tell her to eat more than just your shoe! Throw in your backpack as well!
  8. Thoughts of Wizard invaded her mind and swiftly she crushed them. Ruthlessly she tore them apart, seeking from them the location of Wizard. Speedily Emma found where he lay and soon she looked down on his body. Violet cords of lightning thrumed across her palms and lashed them around Wizard, holding him in place. Wizard didn't fight, he just looked up at Emma and gently smiled at her. He did not speak but just simply smiled. Slowly the life drained from him and in one final burst of energy he spoke. "I forgive you Emma." And with that he fell limp, his form lolling to the ground. The energy retreated back into Emma and she stood motionless over his body. "You were wrong. You could have joined me but instead you choose to die. You finally have rest you always wanted though now." Emma turned away and left his body where it lay. Alone in the woods where none would ever touch it. Transforming Emma ran as a dark fossadile to the North, where Calano was. @CalanoCorvus @Telrao Death leaped backwards and then froze. A grin spread across his face and he began laughing. "There is little hope for you now that your protector is dead." Death disappeared, his red eyes and grin hanging in the air for a moment after he disappeared.
  9. Did you not get the clue? It was very hidden I suppose and well that's my fault It's just fun to use!!! -_^ :DDD
  10. As are all the best things. Words fail to describe them. I'll take a look at it later!
  11. Happy birthday Da[n=5]ex!

    1. danex


      if recieved_happy_birthday:

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