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The Wandering Wizard

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Everything posted by The Wandering Wizard

  1. *Hugs* I'm sorry, that sounds awful. Have you tried listening to some music? That could maybe help.
  2. Congrats Stick! And good luck! I offer my single last bottle of horneater white...probably not poisoned...best to feed to your enemies in any case
  3. Depression comes in various means and strengths it could be very well that you are temporarily depressed, but I digress. That's rough, stress is rough on the body and soul. If you need a friend for anything, ranting, memes, pick me up, just to listen. Anything at all, you know how to contact me. We are here for you and we love you Bookwyrm. *Hugs*
  4. I feel your soul in this Calano, thank you for it.
  5. They are beautiful for the simple ideas that they carry. I have spoken.
  6. Well I know all the old songs. I could sing you the one about a thousand Wits
  7. @Kajsa :) @Wittles of Shinovar @The Halcyon Girl o7 @Ranryu @That1Cellist @TheGreatSnail @InfiniteInsanity @The Bookwyrm @Telrao @The Aspiring Archivist @Shining Silhouette
  8. Woah. I really really really like the third one. It burns in my chest that it's true. Thank you for sharing these wonderful words.
  9. I wondered who the new person was then I realized you changed your name o.O :P

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. S. Stormy
    3. The Wandering Wizard

      The Wandering Wizard

      I mean I was going to become the wandering waffle on April 1st :P

    4. Edema Rue

      Edema Rue

      You should've!! 

  10. I'll say it again. These are all incredible! And it's fine if you aren't quite ready to show them to those around you quite yet. I only recently showed my mom Shatter Me and it was hard.
  11. This isn't the last post wins ... *gasps* Does this mean you are the witch instead???
  12. The thing was I thought it would just endanger TJ not you as well because we had all agreed to bus him so I thought it'd be fine not realizing you were also in that tie.
  13. That is beautiful! The single poem that speaks to me the most is Shatter Me.
  14. Good game y'all! You put up a good fight! It was very fun being evil with you @Araris Valerian and @|TJ|! Thanks for making me evil @Matrim's Dice! And thank you for IMing @StrikerEZ! Gotta hone those bussing instincts even if they didn't get used Sorry about aggressively pocketing you @Telrao
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