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The Wandering Wizard

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Everything posted by The Wandering Wizard

  1. It'll be alright. You will see her again. *Hugs*
  2. Happy Birthday Nameless!!!

  3. Still people shouldn't put down what you enjoy as it isn't hurting others.
  4. Woah! This is very interesting! I especially like the first one!
  5. Nah he's a subject of death. The same as the rest of us. My Lord will claim all in time.
  6. Must take down streak saver. That should stop it I think!
  7. ...Telrao I ripped off his wings. Do you think I'm going to swear fealty? I'm going to find a way to free you all from the inside!
  8. Heehee I ripped of Duo's wings and so had to sign up using an alternate google account to start learning Latin and Greek
  9. Mysterious Forest Path Emma tread through the woods, following the trail of light. It was almost the same path she'd followed years before. Blinking the branches appeared bloody but blinking again they disappeared. Shaking her head Emma tried to dispel the memories as she hunted her twin on the very path she saved him once before. Death tightened his grasp on his staff. And the swords clove through the staff, making it two short sickles instead of a single sickle staff. Death grinned at Calano as a purplish-red fire began to burn around the blades. And howling he crashed back into him, sicklings swinging for the jugular.
  10. This feels like TMI, but in all honestly it's probably just new playerness. Still don't really want to write it off, so I'll make a note of it. Alpha seems too aware of certain things that I wouldn't expect even for a new player on their second game. I could be very wrong but the gut wants what the guts wants. Alpha
  11. No you don't prove yourself those things. And you are the opposite of all those things. Truly you are.
  12. It was a very good session. I loved the first half the most, those ones spoke to me the most.
  13. IT IS DONE!

    Please enjoy, Shatter Me!


    Shatter me

    Tear me down

    Shove me to the brink

    Toss me over 

    Send me careening into the depths of






    Take my fear

    Rip it

    Twist it

    Grow it into vines

    Strangle me in the fear of





    The Light



    Take my bridges

    Shatter them

    Rip them

    Set them on fire

    Leave me stranded when the storms come





    Send the storms

    Hide me from sight in their embrace 

    The smothering blackness

    Let it seep inside

    Choke out the light

    Let the rain freeze, me

    The lightning strike, me

    I don't care





    Take me to the eye of the storm

    Show the bleakness before

    The utter darkness to come

    Shove me into the darkness

    Show me there is no other choice

    No other way

    There never was any light, only darkness

    That this is the only option, to end it on my terms

    It’s time to say goodbye

    There never was another way







    Shatter Me, God

    Grind my bones under pestle and mortar

    Flay me past death

    Send me into the Abyss

    So that I can truly









    Break this tainted glass

    Rip out the blinders

    Obliterate my perfect little world

    Crumple me with pain

    O how did I not see it before

    Cries my soul

    As I truly see for the first time

    Their fear 

    Their pain 

    Their struggles


    Send me their pain

    Make me their rock

    Dump it all on me

    Watch it shatter me

    Overwhelm me to paralysis

    Bring back my demons

    Start to drag me under once more

    How do you help





    Send me deeper

    Shatter me some more

    Set the world upon my shoulders

    Keep a steadying hand nearby as I fall

    Catch the world and put it back

    Show me that I can 






    Shatter me

    So that I can help

    Tear me down

    So I can grow back stronger

    Shove me to the brink

    So I can see them

    Toss me over 

    To save them

    Send me careening into the depths

    To bring them back


    Open your eyes


    You are never alone


    I am here


    Give a hug

    There is light





    @That1Cellist @Telrao @Being of Cacophony @Thaidakar the Ghostblood @Morningtide @Cinnamon @Spark of Hope @The Bookwyrm @InfiniteInsanity @Kajsa :) @CalanoCorvus @Aes Sedai

    1. Show previous comments  31 more
    2. The Wandering Wizard

      The Wandering Wizard

      That works for me!

      I should have time sometime this week to get out so that I can record properly. My house is a bit too noisy most of the time :P

    3. Szeth's Facepalm
    4. Morningtide


      SWEET. This is such a good poem!

  14. "No, he never said that they wouldn't lie or cheat. Just that you would be faced by your demons." A maniac fire lit in the wolf's eyes as the fight began again. His scythe staff began to twirl, deflecting the swords to the side. The blade sung through the air as it sliced the air, heading toward's Calano's gut. @CalanoCorvus The memory ended and Wizard shivered, cold sweat coating his fur. Shaking violently he tried to expell the water, but it refused to leave his fur. Already he felt it begining to freeze as the cold dread clutched at his heart. She was nearly here.
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