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The Wandering Wizard

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Everything posted by The Wandering Wizard

  1. Sart. Everyone else feels less confused. Kas is kas confused in a very village Kas like way. So those two are the only ones I'm really getting any reads on at all. Most feel slippery when I try to read them and I can't remember what they've done. *Sighs* I reread once again and I agree with Sart's gut. TJ's posts feel crafted to me. Xino Sart
  2. *Raises hand 5 times* YES! IT'S ONE OF MY FAVORITE ONES TO REPLAY!
  3. I have no idea and I don't like it much at all >> *sigh* Nothing makes sense even on the fourth reread, except Xino is confusing me. And my brain refuses to retain anything from rereading -.- And now I'm contradicting myself but Archer feels weird. At least that's what I kind of remember. She is indeed very bloodthirsty
  4. *Summons Golems* Take him away. Lock him in the titanium prison!
  5. NO DRAINING MY pOWER! Drain it from others, but not from me!
  6. My brain decided that it wanted to write a slam poem today!

    I've decided to title it Shatter Me and I'm quite excited and happy with it so far...still going to make me cry while writing it.

    I may record it for you all to here. Just depends on my comfort with sharing it.

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. Edema Rue

      Edema Rue

      It is longer than the other lines, but I think the wording adds a lot to the poem. You know better than I do though, and it'll be great either way.

    3. Morningtide


      Oh it's so good! I love it!

    4. Immortal Platypus

      Immortal Platypus

      I think I like it better without the "of." Your choice though.

  7. I just tend to mash up two creatures or aspects of creatures, throw an element in and call it good and have three different creatures to draw
  8. I read that as everything's legal when there's no caps around XD
  9. Mysterious Forest Path The shadows snaked towards him. They surrounded him and the ropes burst. Weakly Wizard flopped to the ground. Fuzzily he saw a dark form towering over him. Concern reflected in her violet eyes as Emma leaned over him. Words fell from her as fast as the tears, "stay with me. Please stay awake Wizzie. I'm gonna get you help." Slowly he driffed off as she began to draw him back to town, tears dripping onto his fur. Splattering into tiny fractals of crystaline light. "I think you missed something I said." Scythe blades shoot out of the end of his other staff and he slaps away Calano's sword. Leaping backwards, his hood finally falls backwards, revealing a white wolf's face and gleaming red eyes. "I am Death!" @CalanoCorvus
  10. It's been getting easier for me to talk to girls just because I actually have friends that are girls now And also just actually talking to people more
  11. Doesn't Rushu also keep the PMs open? Organic VC: Xino (4): Wiz, Sart, Telrao, Alpha Ash (3): Araris, Xino, TJ Araris (1): Ask Sart (1): Kas Wiz (1): Stick Telrao (1): Archer Why do you people do this to me .-. I'll second Archer, why the switch? Edit: Also @Telrao why'd you switch as well?
  12. I feel you on the sleep front, because it's nice to be the only one around sometimes. You aren't a failure. We think you are amazing! *hugs* I've felt such feelings before with large groups of people. Sensory overloads are not fun. Just say you have to leave for a bit and try to go somewhere quiet and calm to just desensatize if you can.
  13. I'm very curious to see what you think it is. I was as Stick pointed out, specifically meaning Xino sheeping onto Ash. I don't know why but it pinged my gut really hard. Or maybe it's just me feeling uncomfortable with trains that get too large during the early cycle. It's kind of hard to explain quite why. Problem is with my gut is I tend to talk myself into Kayana worlds more easily that way.
  14. Yes, more so than I thought before TPBM really really really likes cats
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