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The Wandering Wizard

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Everything posted by The Wandering Wizard

  1. Barely out of the corner of his eyes, he saw the shadows lengthen. And then the screaming began. And he felt the rage of his twin. It tore through them, the shadows bleeding into them. And then they burst and Wizard shut his eyes to the carnage. But he still felt that rage and pain. Weakly he sent a feeling that he was alive and the shadows turned on him. In that moment he felt fear. Surely she wouldn't turn them on him, would she? "About what? You are a fool to think you could come here Calano J. Corvus. It will only end in pain for you." @CalanoCorvus
  2. You don't have to vote now, but we throw votes around because we already are seeking the hordelings. You can learn much from who votes who, what the thread temp is like when it is cast, and many other things. And yes what Kas said.
  3. Mysterious Forest Path "Poor, poor fool. She let you think so. Did you really think you could stand up to the Kaos?" The hooded figure punctuates every word with a stirke, "even weakened her influence grows as it always has. Her vesel is nearly ready." @CalanoCorvus It drained out of him, the sluggishness that he'd always seen in other creatures began to fall upon him. Quietly he cried out, his pitiful mewls growing weaker by the drop. Soon he closed his eyes for what must be the last time. One last thought flitted through his mind, "I hope my family will be alright." And then it was gone. The fire began to dim in his eyes.
  4. Mysterious Forest Path The faces leered and jeered at Wizard. Their voices began to overlap and the rope began to burn against his skin. Out, out, out. He needed out. It was too much. There was just too much. He was paralyzed by fear and by the noise. There was just too much. Too much. His heartbeat began to skyrocket and he began to thrash, to try to get out. To leave this torturous net. "Oi! He's moving captain!" "Smack him then!" Growled a commanding voice. "Start making him bleed!" "Al' right then. You heard him mates!" The swords began to stab into the net and to sink into Wizard's flesh. Bright red blood began to stain the ropes. Pain and fear crawled ever deeper into Wizard. He was alone, he'd always been alone. Perhaps this was what he'd deserved. Slowly he stopped thrashing, the lacerations in his side bleeding the net red. The figured howled with laughter, staffs still moving in with blindingly quick jabs. "You, you think you ACTUALLY KILLED HER? That's hilarious, even funnier given you know what she can do." @CalanoCorvus
  5. YES!!! GLORIOUS QUOTE!!! *Ahem* My favorite one recently would be "I am the master of my fate, the captain of my soul." - Invictus by William Ernest Henley
  6. It takes a lot of time and a lot of screwing up. But you can do it if you try. I haven't learned quite either yet. But you are a person and we love you. Hope that your day will improve *Hugs*
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