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The Wandering Wizard

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Everything posted by The Wandering Wizard

  1. I had a weird dream that there was a sandwich made of her meat and I got to eat a bite of it and it was this thing. And this was about the same time that I'd misheard my sister and thought she'd said "It's like a sandwich with juicy leg meat." And it was also about the same time that I had read the Wikipedia article about brain sandwiches. And it was some time after I had read about meburgers at the end of Project Hail Mary. And I imagined a dystopian sci-fi future where celebrities would grow their muscle tissue in a lab and cook it and sell it in sandwiches and their fans could eat it. - @The Bookwyrm
  2. Yes my power grows! @Shining Silhouette @Being of Cacophony @Aes Sedai @Cinnamon
  3. Kaos Realm Lark, you are to lead the armies to destroy the other pillars. We know where they are, those filled with light do not. Go to the planet ZDR, I think you will find the pillar there familiar. There's another pillar in the city of Kirthruin on the planet Kimuiruin and there is a third pillar in the golden sea of Ba'uin. There's one on earth and another one that moves. A sense of powerful confusion washed over Emma and Lark. Emma staggered a pace backwards, her raven black hair streaming behind her. I can not tell exactly why but it moves, something that I believed impossible. The Kaos's focus shifted from Lark, seemingly dismissing him as it turned towards Emma. Go my little Raven, you know what must be done. Emma bowed her head, "as you say so shall it be mother." No, don't call me mother anymore, you can call me sister now. Turning on the spot, Emma disappeared from the realm, hiding the tears that sprung to her eyes. @Nameless* Mysterious Forest Path Wizard's back met the stony wall and the panic began to set in. "She's coming, she...she," Wizard garbled his words and collapsed against the wall. Memories began to flash infront of him, panic seeping through him. The fear from the past paralyzingly strong...and the pain. Oh the pain was so strong! He couldn't bear it and time froze. The days spining back, the world revolving backwards until he was eight again. It was late a night. Far past the time for any young Kits to be out. But he liked the night time hours, unlike his twin who loved the day. Wizard loved the night, the simple peace he felt from exploring the night alone. He sprinted along the road he'd taken thousands of times now, running to his secret hideout in the tree when he saw a light in the woods. "Who is in the woods this late?" Thought the tiger cub. And his curiousity was so strong that he followed it, straight to the face of a cliff. The light rose up the cliff and he batted at it. Yet the light escaped his paws. So he tried again, this time leaping high at the light as climbed just a little higher. His claws scrabbled on the cliff face and he fell back downwards. Growling he jumped again, leaping to even greater heights as the light zoomed just out of reach. And Wizard crashed down onto a tangle of vines. Hissing at the light, Wizard tried to move, but he found that he was stuck. Rolling over he brushed up against some more, but these vines felt odd. They felt dry and husky. They'd even had the life drained out of them. A bright light came from around the cliff and he hissed as it blinded his eyes. "Ha! We caught 'im boss!" "Good! Good!" Cackled a dark form, "bring him to me!" The figured growled a warning, "You can not beat me, young crow. You can try but you will fail. She must be destroyed, but as of now you will be destroyed by her. That is why I can not let you pass." The hooded figure barely hissed out the last syllable when he rushed at Calano, staffs singeing the air with the smell of decay. They twirled in his hand in intricate patterns as they sought Calano's hands. @CalanoCorvus
  4. Would you care to join us as a cat? >:D


  5. welll there might be an oportunity sooooon you know.
  7. *Screeches in hidey hole* "BEGONE DEMONS!" *Hides from the voices* *Sobs quietly*
  8. *Cowers in hole to hide from the voice that found him* *Relives trauma of similar times* *Decides to dig deeper underground*
  9. *Burrows a mudhole to hide in* *Watches Bookwyrm from a distance* *Plans how to free him*
  10. @AonEne she's the judge..that is if she wants to be.
  11. Everyone on the Jury is very confused so I think they know nothing Deeper is fine.
  12. We are going to need three prosecuting and three defending attourneys and also three witnesses for each side @Kajsa :)
  13. The beautiful feeling of waking up to birds chriping outside your window and the sun shining inside your room @Shining Silhouette
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