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The Wandering Wizard

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Everything posted by The Wandering Wizard

  1. Well I wouldn't want to plead to the fifth in this situation
  2. I'd have done Chasmfiend but a fake clue the first cycle...would have been such a fun plan.
  3. Telrao has Hemalurgic Chimera, Stick has Sandling, and TJ has Nightmaw. All murder methods that fit wilderness.
  4. ...you know that the wheel weaves as the wheel wills @TheAlpha929 @Being of Cacophony...guess I'll tag @Aes Sedai as well
  5. Alright then I just always thought of the word hog in here as the hog.
  6. Not if it is The Hog...which is what I was reading it as, because I don't remember any normal hogs in the cosmere. Only The Hog which was the massive greatshell in Herdaz. And the name Hog was always capitalized in the book. So it might actually fit wilderness better.
  7. You are here to cause frustration to others by making them lose the game. The game is a game that you lose if you think of the game.
  8. You must let the Frustration flow through you. My power grows with each summoning @Kajsa :) @Telrao @TheGreatSnail @The last Fae in the Woods @shortcake
  9. Doesn't someone make a sudden sound when they hit the ground after falling from a cliff? Though I think it might be more prolonged sound so...no dice there
  10. I would probably consider pistol severe injury because one shot and you are dead. Plus is would make a loud noise, so would a bow. I wouldn't count those two out from my perspective. I was planning on waiting or unless I felt strongly about a set of evidence for a decent chunk of time.
  11. I've made worse So it could be, but the only likely option is parshendi for Archer, that is assuming Alpha slipped up and revealed Archer as such.
  12. Honestly was thinking Assassin in white for the white clothing combination, but it's less likely. Just where my gut tossed me. And shardblades wouldn't cause serious injury...well they do, but not physical wounds. Edit: Also thinking about Mat, cliff, and rotspren.
  13. Currently thinking about TKN Shardblade and white clothing. Also the Ja was a elderly slave
  14. BLUE! THOUGH THE BLoOD OF MY ENEMIES IS A NICE COLor. How many times a day to you drink the blood of your enemies?
  15. I don't think it exists on here. On other things it does, but the shard doesn't have one that I know of. Or at least nothing has gotten long enough to hit it. Not even TLT.
  16. You have learned well my pupil. Now let the @Frustration flow through you. Harness that power.
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