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The Wandering Wizard

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Everything posted by The Wandering Wizard

  1. You aren't though... Especially if you are doing really good on standardized tests. You are a smart person.
  2. My brain did it again, it started to think that you were Shallan. -.-

    1. Robin Sedai

      Robin Sedai

      heh, even weeks later the aftereffects linger on

  3. "waitwaitwait- The giraffe-man finally admitted it?? waaaaaaaaaaaaat???? omg guys, the prophecy has been confirmed lol" - @shortcake
  4. Yes, Team Hand-Foot I have no idea why it is called that. Perhaps because of her hand foot mistborn or was it Cellist's creation? It goes both ways. He might kill me for saying it, but I've died before I've been called worse before the key is to not let them know what bothers you generally nicknames don't...for reference I was once titled WIZZACAL WIZZY WIZ WIZARD THAT WANDERS THE WONDROUS WORLD AND WISHES FOR WILTED WINCHES which changed to WIZZACAL WIZZY WIZ WIZARD THAT WANDERS THE WONDROUS WORLD ON WIZENED WAX WINGS AND WISHES FOR WILD WYRMS
  5. Mine is fixed and I get it back tomorrow! Bad news, Butch! That bike is about to blow!
  6. That would be Sunreach. How are you liking it so far? Insanity is the owner of the marshmellow, Bookwyrm is the one that likes her and I'm their friend that you've probably never met
  7. Why not? *Starts wondering how to drain energy from a hemalurgic earing using metroids :P*
  8. Huh, did you know that the :) in your name turns to this when someone quotes you and submits the post?

    Screenshot 2023-03-20 8.14.39 PM.png

    1. Kajsa


      *le gesp*

      I did not know that. That makes me a little extra happy. 

      AND NOW TO SOLVE TEN PARABOLAS! *dashes away, sword in hand*

    2. The Wandering Wizard

      The Wandering Wizard

      Good luck with that!

      *continues to ignore piles of calc problems that use work*

  9. No XD ED1T: They're all missing the middle blue Column piece of evidence ED2T: As I feel Mat would be salvating to add the Moon scepter to his collection as well ED3T: What are you doing with a hemalurgic earing anyways?
  10. *Hugs* This hits close to home because I have two cats and I know this will come eventually. But...I suppose it means that we can rescue two other kittens and give them a good life and home. Doesn't remove them or the pain of their passing, but you get to help another feel that same love. *Hugs again*
  11. [OOC: No? It just looks like there is an extra comma after the fiifth piece of evidence.]
  12. Aragorn woke up in another dark alley. The dead littered around him, their corpses frozen in twisted agony. Aragorn savored on it as he walked through the alley. They we not the first nor the last group of people to try to take his sword by feeding him horneater drinks. It was the only thing that allowed him to sleep, to drown out the damnation of the dead. To drown out her calling. Chasms how long had it been since the betrayal? Years? Months? Centuries? Could it even be milenium? Aragorn didn't know anymore, and a quiet voice interupted his thoughts. You're late, they managed to call reinforcements this time. Aragon chuckled softly, don't tell me you didn't enjoy it. Well...yes I did, admitted the voice. If your still looking for me I'm under this pile to your left. No need, I can just follow the trail. You always leave one. Ah yes, the trail, bitterly spoke the prescence, always leading me back to you. Stooping down, Aragorn shoved of the petrified people, feeling their energy lingering in the air. It had the familiar sensation of having been ripped from them, being drawn towards the hidden sword. Reaching through the frozen people, Aragorn pulled the sword out of the grasp of a horrific creature. It was made of an organic material, one Aragorn had never before seen in all his years. It was a lighter green with hidden veins of a darker green, and strange spurs jutted out of the hilt and the sword. But it had served him well, never had another been able to successfully weild the blade. It had drained each one who tried, causing rapid mutations, seemingly making them the perfect vesel for the sword. Yet...yet they became seemingly autonomous beings of destruction, draining themselves and all around them in a rapid burst of destruction. It was his duty, a duty he had long abandoned. Instead he let fools take the sword and destroy themselves. Why, whispered a voice from his past, why must you do this? He heard his words, years ago, because they will cleanse themselves and we will be free, finally. He shut his eyes against the tears that came. Slowly they dripped downwards and he huddled in the alley, voices wracking the sorry excuse he had for a soul.
  13. The black kitten's eyes grow huge as he sneefs the catnip. He vigorously licked Cash's hand.
  14. Whoa! I really like the Elend and Vin one! It perfectly fits my mental picture of the two! Same here!
  15. *Appears on The Altar and starts chewing THE STICK*
  16. Ferrel cats! Yes! *continues to chew on The Stick*
  17. Yes, yes I have Have you ever tried to take a toy from a cat or dog?
  18. I mean I know that I've read 75+ whole book series and that's all I've kept track of, ever
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