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The Wandering Wizard

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Everything posted by The Wandering Wizard

  1. I've never actually kept track of how many I read I used to be in the 130+ range but that's slowed a bit more recently. Hazard of reading all the books you can find
  2. The black kitten appeared without a space helmet. He mewled curiously at the shiny balls that seemed to comprise up everyone's heads.
  3. I will, just haven't updated it anywhere except my head
  4. Yeah, completely scrapping the light and dark ones but I will have a light and dark one eventually. Did the same thing for hedgehogs and peregrine falcons. ED1T: making a new species, not completely scraping them
  5. Thanks! It's kind how I've been making some of my creatures by creating three breeds. Surprising how easy it is.
  6. No, there are three species of Komo runners and each species has a different power.
  7. That is a pretty good Artemis! Even if it was unintentional What do you think about drawing a komo runner, Wittles? (Komodo dragon + roadrunner + air(has wings)/lightning(extremely speedy)/fire(can survive extreme temperatures) all are fast, with lightning being the fastest.)
  8. Chills shot down my spine...incredible!
  9. Hello there! Welcome to the shard! How many Sanderson Books have you read?
  10. Jango turned away the first set of detectives with a well placed blaster shot. Jango had always known they'd come for him. It was his help they were after, but he'd retired years ago. It'd been hard enough to fake his death with that Jedi trying to kill him, but he'd proved the perfect method in the end. Because when the Jedi killed, their victims always stayed dead, right? Well as far as he knew, he was the only one. Turning around, Jango hung up the blaster. His finger leaving a sparkle of silver under the coating of dust. It'd been a long time and the itch had been awoken. Ironically chasing away the detectives had awoken his hunting instinct. There was prey to be hunted, they'd killed in his town and that was going to be their last mistake. Jango descended the stair, heading into the basement, looking for his armor. "Dank farrik," muttered Jango. "Chasaming beast, thinking it's a chew toy." [OOC: I mean, we could all just do our own weapons and cause of death for them. Excited as this smells of Clue to me, albeit with a twist. But it's gonna be fun! ED1T: Ninja'd by Kas with the same idea XD]
  12. *Snaps bendy twig in teeth* *Looks for more sticks to chew on*
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