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The Wandering Wizard

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Everything posted by The Wandering Wizard

  1. Your ideal life is your ideal life. No one else can tell you what it is.
  2. "Mreow? meow? Meow!" The kitten softly brushes up against Rael.
  3. I appear as a extremely cute black kitten hugging a stuffed Salmon.
  4. The kitten flopped onto the floor and hugged the salmon. Huge green eyes stared back up at Rael. "Mrow?"
  5. A tiny black kitten, hugging a stuffed salmon, appeared in the midst of the group.
  6. @TheAlpha929 this is the QF that starts in two days. The rule set is in the opening post. I will note that this is a different format than most SE games but it'll still be fun!
  7. *Sneefs hand* *stretches out claws to play with the new toy*
  8. The kitten looks up at Telrao Meow? *continues chewing stick*
  9. *grasps the stick of reprimand* *Starts chewing on it*
  10. If you want I can link you to the sign-ups for the current game that is going to run soon. Or there should be the LG going up soon if you want to join that one instead.
  11. Salmon is tasty and very good for comfort food. I don't eat my stuffed salmon though. That's my emotional support Salmon.
  12. Happy birthday Slowswift!

  13. With each loss I take a bite of my emotional support Salmon
  14. My power grows with each loss I have and for those that I make.
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