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The Wandering Wizard

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Everything posted by The Wandering Wizard

  1. Would you merge the fire with earth or air? Or would you rather just keep it as fire?
  2. Well it appears that they want you dead, girl. Your going to need a lot more darkness to fend them all off. Luckily that I just shattered the pillar then. You told me that the staff was an ancient focus and destroying the clinic would demoralize them. It seems that it just made them want to kill me One appears to be...no it can't be. NO IT CAN'T BE! I KILLED HIM CENTURIES AGO! Killed who, Raven? The phoenix.... Right, I'll get that answer later. Emma held the staff sidways and Kaos rolled of her in waves. A beam of pure blackness, no purple flecks in it, shot from both ends. It crashed into the beams on both sides and it exploded when it came in contact with X's bar of fire. @Thaidakar the Ghostblood @Shadowed @xinoehp512 It is over, they're mostly dead down there. And there is no longer a way out of the clinic. They're trapped and dying, their screams crawl up through the stones. Mysterious Forest Path "That's not for you to know," growled the figure. A pair of staffs appeared in his hands. "All you need to know is that you are coming to me."
  3. I don't think this is right, but your member title translated to Sweet Lake :P

    1. Ranryu


      Lol no that’s the English alphabet with a weird font. :lol: The language is Latin, though.

  4. I mean he hasn't taken mine away and I haven't had a streak for 4 years about
  5. You are a pure water! You love to go with the flow and are wild and unpredictable. But you can be a peaceful stream for your friends when they are near, and a hammering waterfall to your foes!
  6. The Clinic: Roof The Kaos rejected the light as well, it split into shards of pure darkness and the Raven's grey light. The Clinic: Roof - Pillar The spear slammed into a shield of Kaos around Emma. Only a small portion appeared, appearing as a portion of solid onyx stone infront of the spear. It is not, it just knows that the future is a fickle thing, it is never set because all of our actions change it. Do you think Insa could live with you striking down her sister? The pillar crackles splintering into a thousand tiny shards of onyx. A thick stream of darkness bursts from the pillar and sinks into Emma. @Thaidakar the Ghostblood @The Bookwyrm @Telrao @Shadowed @xinoehp512 @That1Cellist @The Aspiring Archivist @UnfortunatelyNamed @Ati16 @Shining Silhouette @InfiniteInsanity @Being of Cacophony It's too late now. You all failed. Emma reaches into the pillar and pulls out a strange weapon. Both ends have wicked scythe blades on the end. Symbols on the staff blaze to life as Emma grasps it and she grins. She already knew what to do, it had been in her mind for a while. The staff slammed into the ground and a tremor ran through out the whole clinic. Emma voice rang through out the whole clinic, having taken over the speakers through out the clinic. "You can chase after me and possibly catch me, but you will condemn the people of the clinic to die. I will ensure of it, my armies are continuing their work down below, their work of death. You can stop them, or you can stop me. Which will you choose?" Mysterious Forest Path "Because I am a big fan of your's Calano. I've been waiting to meet you for a long time." A forked grin appeared under the hood. "You've cheated me many times, but this time you will stay in my grasp."
  7. Would you choose ice, plant, or stay as just water?
  8. A crackling beam of lightning meets the kool-aid and a few trendrils jag around the kool-aid, blasting into Thaidakar. Your sight lies, not even the Kaos knows exactly what will happen. We have been set up for success, but it is up to us to secure it. I'm afraid you're out of time. The tendrils' connection to Emma snaps and they mix with the light, unbound, unfettered. @Telrao A pair of red eyes appeared infront of Calano and a hooded figure stepped out of the underbrush. "Why hello there," chuckled the voice. "I've been looking forward to meeting you." Wizard ran, tugging on the feelings of the being that was chasing him. Convincing her to continue to follow him. Wizard ran as a tiger until he could run no more. A solid wall of of stone appeared in front of him, no matter what direction he turned in. And soon he was boxed in by walls. "Well this is it," muttered Wizard to himself. "This is my end and Calano will have to continue alone. I've done what I can, I've lived a good life. Perhaps it's time to finally sheathe the sword." The being of Kaos came ever closer and Wizard calmed, soon he could finally rest.
  9. I'll start you of with only one question while I go compile all the questions I have ever asked someone What element would you choose of fire, water, earth, and air?
  10. You are pure fire! You have an indomitable spirit! Sometimes the flames may be quenched, but the fire always burns back brighter. Your fire warms all who come close and your rage scorches your foes! Everyone stays pure and I have no idea why, it's very interesting to me. Favorite kind of dragon?
  11. Heresy, blasphemy! There is not an answer in that post! Favorite dragon?
  12. What element would you choose of fire, water, earth, and air? Or would you not chose one?
  13. What element would you choose of fire, water, earth, and air? Or would you not chose one?
  14. You are the third person to stay with the pure element . It's very interesting to me so far, and no one has chosen the same element either. You are pure fire! You have an indomitable spirit! Sometimes the flames may be quenched, but the fire always burns back brighter. Your fire warms all who come close and your rage scorches your foes!
  15. You are pure air! Your mind is always moving and you are always quick with a quip! Light footed and nimble, you move with the wind. The wind is a kind trickster and so are you! You love to friendly prank others, but you can be a gentle warm breeze to your friends. Your anger is like the storms, one moment it is there, the next it has breezed past. Hard to think of things, but this has been a good exercise
  16. Psst, tuxedo isn't a breed I love those breeds! Black, grey and white, plus maybe some blue!
  17. Mmm, lava, lightning, or just fire?
  18. This has been helpful to me figuring out the traits associated with water Thank you for your kind of unknowning help! Now for another question What is your favorite breed of cat? (Yes, I'm going to make you choose )
  19. You are a pure water! You love to go with the flow and are wild and unpredictable. But you can be a peaceful stream for your friends when they are near, and a hammering waterfall to your foes!
  20. Beautiful blue, where have you all been all my life! Yes, it would have been mine that he broke, along with others Lightning, ice, or just air?
  21. What element would you choose of fire, water, earth, and air?
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