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The Wandering Wizard

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Everything posted by The Wandering Wizard

  1. What element would you choose of fire, water, earth, and air?
  2. What element would you choose of fire, water, earth, and air?
  3. What element would you choose of fire, water, earth, and air?
  4. What element would you choose of fire, water, earth, and air?
  5. Somestimes it can seem hard. I know that sometimes it feels that my siblings just fight all the time, but I generally get along well with them.
  6. Would you choose ice, growth, or just stay with water?
  7. Tell me which brandon sanderson you want to do and I can get the URL for you.
  8. Just go to your profile and click the small grey box under your pfp and it will allow you to change it.
  9. Yes! I would do that if it were legal.
  10. Because you didn't know the peace that only I can give you. The joy from knowing that you will never hurt again, that there will never be sorrow again. Now go help my champion, my child. Casually Emma waved her hand, tendrils of Kaos blasted forth. Splitting into many little beams of corruption. They struck at the group to the left and Emma watched as the corruption struck. @Telrao @Shadowed @xinoehp512 The wave slammed into Emma and she skidded to the left, but her grip on the pillar steadied her. She hissed at Bookwyrm, "I can feel it in your mind, what you have done for her. Ssoon sshe will be mine again and you with her. You can feel it can't you? The corruption in your veinss, sspreading through you. Purging the taint of the light from you. I will see you again, Bringer of the Stars." The gradient of the pillar changes from grey to black, purplish flecks appear in the stone, cracks trailing up the stone.
  11. Order of Lightweavers Yin and Yan or perhaps just trees. But I see white and blackness. Light and dark. Good with the bad. 100/1
  12. I'll just hide those legs now. Lasagna, Chicken noodle soup, and fish hamburgers to only name a few. Yup! I also know where they get all their chickens from Probably this year. Nope, don't know what it is See above answer It is spelled neither way, it is spelled Wyrd. I would save him I don't but I wish that I did. I'd love basically any medium to large sized dog. I'd still love a smaller dog, but I like dogs that aren't toy dogs. I have two cats! Yes! Yes! Creative writing with a specialization in character trauma Nope, don't know what it is How ever many there are. I have read them all at least once I liked them! Gathering storm is probably on of my favorite non-sanderson books, right up there with a memory of light. Harmony, because I loved who they were before as a character and I like seeing the growth that they are going through now. No, I would not take up their power, nor any shard's power.
  13. What is your favorite element of these four? Earth, fire, water, or air. @Kajsa :)
  14. 7 million at least *sigh* I suppose I can 7 I'd try eating one, because if people did once...it should be safe... right?
  15. Hello! Welcome to the shard! Who are your favorite characters?
  16. They're not too bad actually. Far better than the school's potatoes TPBM can see a sleeping animal right now without getting up.
  17. Hmmm, good question! I recently played a animal crossing one that was a brilliant adaptation of it to monopoly. But I'd have to say the monopoly Gamer subtype probably. Only if you want to. I had to wait for a while and my google account has it and now my shard one will as well. Just had to wait and mine will stay for a while longer
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