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The Wandering Wizard

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Everything posted by The Wandering Wizard

  1. It's the longest thread, and it's a forum game that tells a story in each post through bold, but it's a pseudo RP weird thingie that devolves into chaos about midway through each post. It's over 2,300 pages...I think. Far over 2000 at least.

    Anyone want to ask me any questions? :eyes:

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. The Wandering Wizard

      The Wandering Wizard


      Where do you live?

      Hinderstap :)


      Fave animal and color?

      Any kind of cat and emerald green

    3. Shining Silhouette

      Shining Silhouette

      Somehow I missed this...

      Must've been all the notifs :P

    4. The Wandering Wizard

      The Wandering Wizard

      There have been a lot of sanderson notifs :P

  3. I will be one step closer to being free and you all will have another Kaos artifact. @Being of Cacophony
  4. @Thaidakar the Ghostblood @Aes Sedai @InfiniteInsanity @Being of Cacophony
  5. Protect Emma, rest for now, but you must help protect Emma while she corrupts the pillar, it will not be long now before the deed is done.
  6. It's someone's birthday and everyone is doing it in a show of support since she can't be on the shard for a bit. Basically it originally came from people wanting to swap profile pictures which did happen for a while. Still don't have my original one. But this comes from the roots of the idea of the old clone season where everyone had the same pfp for a set amount of time. You're still around somewhere, I did just summon you if you want to get back into it
  7. I'm young, I haven't even had my first shardiversity I have also gone to the Wayne trades!
  8. The Kaos in his mind thrumed and ordered him to burn Duralumin, Pewter, and Steel. The sticky wetness of liquid Kaos pooled behind him and enveloped his chest, granting him new armor. The Kaos bled directly into him, intermingling with his life energy. @The Aspiring Archivist The thrill of the battle pulsed through Emma as the beam's burns, the sword strikes at her, the lightning flung her way, and the spiritual beam of energy. Time slowed down for her but her arms did not. Her sickle swung against the pressure of the blade and a second one joined the deadlock. The sickles began to darken, a purlish flame begining to run up them. The beams would be a problem, but they had sent multiple at her, enough that perhaps she could just. Yes, yes, she could do that. A fire beings to burn in her heart and begins to steadily burn outwards. The onyx tornado explodes outwards, blistering fire spitting outwards. And now that she was disguised, Emma disappered, her grin leaving last of all. Quietly she appeared behind the pillar of light and she sunk her hands into it. Whisps of onxy fire began bleeding into the pillar from her hands, finishing what was started. @Being of Cacophony @The Bookwyrm @InfiniteInsanity @Thaidakar the Ghostblood @That1Cellist @UnfortunatelyNamed @Ati16 @Telrao @Shadowed @xinoehp512 @Shining Silhouette
  9. Hmm true, I've only read through it all because I was there in the clinic before began it's rapid expansion.


    3Below: Glorious! (Favorite time used scene search) : r/TrollHunters


  11. The Dragon leaps into the battlefield, breathing his dragon fire on Porterion.
  12. The Dragon leaps into the battlefield, breathing his dragon fire on the closest opponent.
  13. Is this your third pfp in just as many days XD

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. The Wandering Wizard

      The Wandering Wizard

      It could be fun though, it could beeeeee!

    3. Ranryu
    4. Telrao



      The only way to survive the Kaos is to

      JOIN IT >:D

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