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The Wandering Wizard

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Everything posted by The Wandering Wizard

  1. I've always wanted to have a Turkish Van
  2. I mean who can't help but love all the cats!
  3. Favorite Breed of cat? What breed of cat do you own? Would you own a dog and a cat?
  4. They need to learn how to talk to people that they can't talk to, because they're going to need to do it eventually. *Hugs* Sorry that you have to deal with that.
  5. I always imagined Kaladin as a Cello player It can be quite a sad instrument
  6. Sprinkle them with milk and say "BEGONE!" in reverse so "ENOGEB!" and that should take care of the problem.
  7. Ah you can safely ignore @The Bookwyrm! He is a strange demon who tries to get you to join his reading cult! Best decision of my life!
  8. NO! STORMLIGHT is BETTEr! Six Of Crows was good though, but I got busy and only got to the boat thingie, to be obscure.
  9. Energy gathered at Emma's fingertips and blasted twin beams of darkness, catching Thaidakar's beams and pushing against them.
  10. "I am sorry but you will not find her in death, she does not wait for you there." "It is who I am, take away the dark and you take away me." Emma pulled TAAron closer, holding on with all eight arms. Turning, she allowed the beam to slam into the armor and she landed on her back. A large whoof of air escaping as she slammed into the stone. Scrabling she released TAAron and shakily got up. "You will pay for that." A smile curves around her fangs. "I just recieved permission to kill you if you won't cooperate. Permission to kill you all." The metal flew towards Emma and seeped into her armor, refilling the cracks and making it glow a deep violet purple. "I think you will find me a hard nut to crack."
  11. A furry arm grasped at the back of his shirt. "Got you," chittered Emma.
  12. "See you in the Beyond." A painful ripping sensation tore through TAAron as the link provided, quite cheerfully, all the pain of Haly's demise. The excruciating feeling as she slowly bled out, heart beat to heart beat. One final thought reached him. "I have always loved you TAAron, always." The dragon's head exploded outwards, bone shards flying towards any nearby living people. A sense of contentment came from the dragon as its purpose was fulfilled. @Shadowed @Telrao
  13. The sound of tears falling on stone reached TAAron. "They've taken Mitis away, they took my marshmellows away. All they have given me is a knife. Perhaps it is time to finally end it all."
  14. "Please TAAron, don't leave me," pled her voice. Her voice grew in terror as TAAron fell further. "I'm trapped somewhere and I don't know where. Please help me!"


  16. Clinic: Roof "You all aren't people that care about me. You left me when you all knew the darkness was strongest. She has never left me, you know her and that she will never leave you too." Emma hissed as her scythes swung and cut her silk parachute away as the white light blazed through it. "TAAron," called Haly's voice. "TAAron wake up!" @The Aspiring Archivist @That1Cellist @UnfortunatelyNamed @Aes Sedai @InfiniteInsanity @The Bookwyrm @Thaidakar the Ghostblood @Telrao The dragon groaned as it tried to shake its head. The bones began to creak ominously outwards. @xinoehp512 @Shadowed Mysterious Forest Path "It starts now. See you o-" Wizard began to fade from Calano's view, his last words cutting off as he disappeared fully. Wizard shook his body, flinging off the water and he started walking on the path for the second time. @CalanoCorvus
  17. It might be a combination of both. Because he does seem an awesome friend and he may like you.
  18. I would have defending him to the hilt probably, like I did with Araris the last cycle So it's a good thing that I didn't scan Mat and end up with that I was so determined to believe that there was a convert in the game, Actually thought that the game hadn't ended because I'd be converted. Even though Aman would have been a higher choice than me It was a very fun game and thank you @Kasimir and @Fifth Scholar for running it! And to @Elandera for IMing it! This game was fun when it wasn't a headache My guess for the elim team
  19. It has been an honor. See you all soon, because I'm going to collect your payment come morn Mat!
  20. Final day duel....right? They should seek the answers from the universe. It can tell them all if only they would trust it.
  21. I've been made of straw but never just numbers. A bit too much for my taste. Good separation from Man and Numbers. Magic is separate from numbers, magic has the greater power. Magic is faith in the unknown while numbers is faith in, ugh, probability.
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