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The Wandering Wizard

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Everything posted by The Wandering Wizard

  1. It is random but I have pulled from the GMs that it is possible to know: Who they targetted, who targetted them, What they targetted with, and an allignment scan. For my previous three scans I have gotten who they targetted, who targetted them, and what they targetted with. So my theory was that I was going to get an allignment scan.
  2. Suppose more people are on JNV anyways. I've gotten every other kind of scan so far and my theory was that I'd get an allignment scan. It felt time and yeah, not certain about JNV's scans being correct. Take that Kas and Fifth! I have cracked your puzzle >:P
  3. ALRIGHT STOP THAT ARARIS TRAIN RIGHT NOW! BECAUSE THE HOLY GMs, PRAISE BE TO THEIR NAMES :P, HAVE TOLD ME THAT HE IS VILLAGE! Or well I scanned him as an SE player so Mat/JNV is my PoE for now. I think we still outnumber but if there are two elims left or dead elims decide to use their votes, we will need you dead players. Mat
  4. Watch Ashoka when it comes out. That would have the highest chance of seeing him again I think.
  5. This has been in here for a long time Might want to edit that as it could be spoilers. @Cinnamon
  6. I was just going to say zero but that works instead of zero.
  7. Stand by Mercy River, been running through my head all morning.
  8. Yeah like what Robin said it will get better, but it might get worse and then it will get better. For me it just depends on the day, sometimes I feel like no one can see me at all and generally those are worse days. And then there are days when I am surrounded by those that I know care for me and those are usually better days, but there have been some days where those were the bad days and I just couldn't care. It will be a long struggle but we are here for you and here to struggle with you.
  9. YAHOOO! I got accepted into BYU as well but not with that scholarship. That's incredible Silhouette!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Shining Silhouette
    3. Cinnamon


      Woahhhh your pfp is sooo cooooool!!!! What was the prompt you used?

    4. Shining Silhouette

      Shining Silhouette

      Something like 

      "boy with short blond hair playing piano, digital art" then I did a LOT of editing to add the music notes and the suit and facial expression and hand position stuff :P

      I like it a lot :D

  11. Yeah I realized that after I posted Still probably would have killed someone else the second night tbh. I'll look over Fae, I've had a blind spot for them and that needs to be rectified.
  12. The dragon's roar turned to a whine as it furiously whipped its head back and forth. It hacked trying to get the indigestible food out and away. A higher pitched whine began to eminate from its chest as it felt fear. A hint to true fear entered Emma's voice as she clicked. "No I couldn't, which is why I corrupt, never kill. You don't want to be around when it instructs me to kill instead." Emma disappeared before Thaidakar's bolt struck. She appeared behind TAAron and she whispered in his ear, "You are a fool to think you could outplay me. You will all be mine in the end." Unleashing a stream of silk into a parachute, Emma carefully lowers herself and TAAron to the ground, corrupting him all the way.
  13. "I'm afraid that you're wrong about that, I've never had a choice," clicked Emma. The metal pooled around Emma and she hissed at it. "Go, go and catch the falling fool!" Burbling the metal raced off, sliding across the floor and heading towards the falling TAAron. It shifted, the metal forming a slide to catch TAAron and redirect his momentum towards Emma. "Never enough, never! Not til all of you are corrupted. Then it will be enough."
  14. Twice in a row though? Once would have been good enough for me, I would have targetted someone else the second time. Because you can burn a kill once, but doing it twice can really set you behind.
  15. IRL life has been busy and I've been kind of not caring. Though I do have to ask you this. Why don't I just point the kill somewhere other than Aman instead of helping coordinate it? Or even better lie about it to get Drake to shoot Aman and then just kill Drake? Really easy way to get the village to shoot itself in the foot.
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