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The Wandering Wizard

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Everything posted by The Wandering Wizard

  1. The dagger phased through the cuendillar dagger and struck TAAron. The dagger radiated Kaos into the wound. "Not nearly enough people," lightly replied Emma.
  2. Yeah, don't necessarily think that you are village. There's a chance, but not certain anymore. Feel like going Araris
  3. "So, you finally figured that out did you?" Hissing Emma summoned a spectral purple dagger and tossed it towards TAAron. It flew towards him with unnatural speed and accuracy, seeking his shoulder. @The Bookwyrm
  4. "I think you will find that harder than you think." A invisible thread flies from Emma's spinneret and slams into TAAron's chest. "Finishing the work that you couldn't stomach. How does it feel to know you are a danger to be around them? How does it feel to have your power tainted with Kaos? It is no longer in your mind, but you can feel it in your power, can't you?"
  5. "Why take one when I can take both?" Extending her neck upwards, Emma sees Insa approaching. "Little sis, I see you have rejected the darkness once more."
  6. Emma burst out laughing, mandibles clicking. "You did truly love her didn't you? I've sent her to reclaim her homeworld for me."
  7. The web trembled and Emma grinned. "TAAron was it? Haly was the one you loved, right? I fear she fell into a world under my domain, she is mine now."
  8. Clinic: Roof The liquid metal still raced towards Emma, pooling into her armor. Symbols blaze into blackness all over her armor and her mandibles twist into a grimace. Emma grasps Thaidakar's hand and a violent roiling darkness begins to pour into him. Two of Emma's other arms lash out with her invisible thread. Whipping it into his legs to entangle them with the sticky substance. Mysterious Forest Path Wizard's tail lashed against the ground, the only visible sign of his anguish. "We must pass through here to reach the next trial and yes, we both must enter alone. The forest will ensure that we do not meet up until we are out of the forest."
  9. This is fun ! @InfiniteInsanity @The Bookwyrm @Ranryu @That1Cellist
  10. Yes! Though rupees don't survive through time What if you put a person in the game as Link, still flipless but Link can earn the Deku mask at the end of the first cycle, Zora at the end of the second cycle and Goron at the end of the third if he survives? Basically he's kinda like Merlin? IDK, need to think on him more. But this looks like such a fun game. A few questions Can each mask only be bought once? Do you lose all your rupees on death?
  11. Well it could maybe switch to JNV, that's honestly the only other option that I currently see with who all is one right now.
  12. Using the last GM VC as a basis Archer (5): Amanuensis, Araris Valerian, Ashbringer, DrakeMarshall, JNV JNV (2): Mat, Wiz Matrim's Dice (1): The last Fae in the Woods,JNV (2): Wizard, Mat Ashbringer (1) : Archer @Amanuensis, should be fixed now >>
  13. Wonder which route that was, because it would have to have combined multiple of the trails in our town. Cause I think most are a little more than ten miles, unless you take a dirt path out of the town. Have done that before.
  14. Thank you! I've thought about it, but first I have to have something to publish. Which I am actually working on right now and I've gotten really excited about it. Thank you both! It has been a great confidence booster to know that people do actually like my work
  15. Welcome to the shard! What is your favorite magic system so far?
  16. Well I finished this one earlier today and it was a rollercoaster. A good one though and I hope you all enjoy it. #10 Admit it @CalanoCorvus @Shining Silhouette @That1Cellist @Ranryu @InfiniteInsanity @Witless of Shinovar
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