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The Wandering Wizard

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Everything posted by The Wandering Wizard

  1. I could, but then I'd be a hypocrit Can you see snow outside?
  2. You are welcome! If you don't mind I'll repeat something at you. You are a incredible person and a talented artist. I'm out as well
  3. The dragon's mouth hangs open around X. Grunting the dragon exerts all its force to close its mouth and to crush the interloper.
  4. Emma sagged over, falling to the ground, tears leaking from her closed eyes. "I don't think he would ever forgive me. You know only a part of the pain I have caused him. Secretly her spinnerette begins to produce a sticky and invisible thread. Quietly it spreads around Emma's fallen form. The dragon's mouth opened, allowing her to fall inside. Quickly it closed its mouth after its foolish prey rocketed inside. From inside the dragon came a deep grinding laugh. "You have sealed your fate, for you are now surrounded by Kaos. Can you not FEEL IT. THE EXSTATIC JOY THAT IT BRINGS, SOON THAT SHALL BE YOURS."
  5. My brain, my brain goes to odd places. Yes, I will stop Paranoiding right now, but I haven't really had time to think on much. Mat Your post read weirdly to me the first time and I latched onto it. It doesn't feel weird now. I don't particularly mind an Archer exe. I mean, Fae is a new players and a lot of newer players tend to do it. Hmmm, I guess I could get behind a JNV exe.
  6. Emma walked forced, casually dodging each blast. "You are weak and I was wrong about you. You have the power but lack the will to use it." Emma yanks on the whip, wrenching Thaidakar forward.
  7. The Clinic: Roof The dragon snarls at the irritating pest and its pointy stick. Carefully it increases the pressure, not enough to kill, but make the little pest wish it had never been born. Still growling the dragon opens its mouth and lurches towards X. Its jaws close over X, encircling him around in darkness. The spider stood still as the energy exploded around her. A whip of liquid Kaos metal flicks out from the explosion and wraps around his wrist. The Kaos balefire hits the Spider at the same time and sinks back into her armor. "You claim you are of the Creator, yet you use the powers of destruction. You can not lie to me, I know the power you use. It doesn't want to create, it only wishes to destroy." @The Bookwyrm @Witless of Shinovar @UnfortunatelyNamed @Thaidakar the Ghostblood @The Aspiring Archivist @Ati16 @That1Cellist "Don't know except what haunts you will hunt you here. That is all that I was told." "Fool!" Rasps the voice, "I am already dead." The liquid tiger melts into a puddle and begins sliding towards the Spider.
  8. And I feel similar about you voting Fae for just posting a naked vote. However it's probably supported by the fact that we have PMs with each other XD. Meaning you have one with JNV and I have one with Fae. And I'm paranoid about the scan on you and you having the confirmed village role.
  9. It is incredible! But yeah, not how I expected him because I imagined him how Bookwyrm looks
  10. I did ask if it was game related and listed off four possible scan things, which were. Who they targetted, who targetted them, what they used, and allignment scanning. Kas did say yes to the list and he PAFO'd exactly what the lie would be. And later I specifically asked about allignment scanning and Kas has confirmed it. Personally I think it works like mistborn rolling metals, you keep going until you've used them all and then you start all over again. I've been feeling like going Mat lately.
  11. You are an incredible person Witless. You do have a talent for art and I'm always excited to see more of your art and I can't wait to read some of your stories. We are always here for you and it is perfectly fine to have those feelings, I think that I might have some as well. Idk and it's complicated, but what is most important to always remember is that you are never alone. That is his tactics, remember that we love you and your are never alone, never.
  12. The coins plink against her armor and shatter, the metal spraying around the mad Queen. Laughter spills from her as the fight pulses through her veins. "You all are amusing, children wielding their parent's weapons. Let me show you how it's really done!" The pools of liquid Kaos metal flow towards her, pooling around her feet. Dipping her swords in it, she flings the drops upward and they home in on TAAron. The cackling turns into a burbling chuckle as the tiger melts into liquid Kaos. The eyes never leave Platypus, always laughing at him.
  13. The tiger drew closer and closer, falling towards its prey. The blades began humming a violent tune, vibrating with kaos as a beam of darkness blasted back into Thaidakar's power, pushing him back. The spider clicked, "you are an intriguing one. Unlike the others, you have true power. The Kaos is a greater power little one. Tell that to your god." The fire and balefire smashed into the Spider Queen's armor, a blinding light shone as the balefire struck, but it dimmed as it was absorbed into her armor. The liquid white of the balefire traveled down her armor and flowed into her blade. Grinning the Queen swipped the sickle towards Nameless and Rue, unleashing a bar of glowing black light that was tinged with purple. The tiger cackled, "you poor, poor, FOOL! She calls us, she calls us and we come." "Very well." Wizard's paw swipes the air infront of him, cracks of light split the sky as a forest path appears. Leaping through Wizard begins padding towards the thicket of trees. Vines hug him as he begins silently padding through the tangled woods. Snarling the dragon turns its head towards X. Leaning in close, its massive eye fills the space infront of X, hypnotic waves of fear falling from it.
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