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The Wandering Wizard

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Everything posted by The Wandering Wizard

  1. We lose if two villagers die, throughout the whole game so if it goes as your suggesting, then no it won't go all as planned cuz we'll have lost.
  2. Wait huh? I can only get one villager, one darkfriend, and one Forsaken. One of these has been already given but not true to what Aeo really is. So...yes 2/3 on no taint, but no on taint?
  3. Anna grins back, "well you aren't perfect but you're perfect to me, love."
  4. Hehe I've met some sharders IRL and for each and every one of them I can say that they're more amazing in person And I wanna meet all of you someday Also would you like to be my shardbuddy?
  5. She pulls him into a hug and just holds him. "Of course my shining knight, let me be your princess." @Ookla the Believer
  6. YOU SLEEP TOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Completely ignores the fact that I was up past midnight last night
  7. She pulls away gently and touches her nose to his. "I...I just wanted to do that, just incase anything happens. I want you to know that I love you will all that I am, Richard."
  9. Yay!!! NOW GO TO SLEEP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hehe that's the most amazing way I've ever heard how to describe a fox :3
  10. Yay!! Is good to read writing things And perhaps we might help spark the book idea again, who knows.
  11. So what ideas do you have? Any short snippets of writing you'd care to share? *pets Sam and gratefully accepts blanket* Doggos are the best
  12. She smiled at him and leaned in to kiss him.
  13. Anna placed her hand on his shoulder, "let me come with you. I can protect us from the rain."
  14. TANK OO!!!!!! And yes a blanket would be very welcome
  15. "Okay so where do you think they all went?"
  16. She smiled at him, "I can be both of those things, so do you know where we are headed?"
  17. "Oh, okay. Am I allowed to come with you?"
  18. Yup this explains it perfectly! Yes, and then randomly rolling one of the two allignments that she is NOT. But then the false allignment that she is rolled as is used up. So she could be darkfriend, rolled village as false, thus I will never get a villager in my pool of people unless I'm drunk or poisoned again.
  19. Anna's breathing slow, "O-oh...so do you know where you need to go? I can make you a portal there."
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