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The Wandering Wizard

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Everything posted by The Wandering Wizard

  1. Three sickles rose, two trapping the dagger between them, the third seeking his legs. A fourth sickle swung at Shark, matching his speed. "Fools the lot of you. You wouldn't think I could match your speed? I know that you can't keep it up always. Eventually you will tire while I will not. Fear the Kaos and its untireable servants. Its energy flows through us and with it we can not be stopped." The tiger chuckled, "You think those stances can stop me? I never told you how to stop someone in one. It's about time you learned that lesson. The tiger steps into the next strike, allowing the blow to take off a chunk of his metal frame. His fangs bite into Platypus as he extends forward.
  2. Clinic: Roof The Wizard tiger grins, seeing the pain of Platypus's arrival made manifest. His claws swinging faster and faster, seeking the weakness in his opponent's flesh. "Foolish boy, did you think that coming here would help? Where you would just distract them and get them killed?" The flat of the blade smashed into TAAron before he could even get behind the Spider's blades. The spider's mandibles click tsking at the trio. "You don't know the power the Kaos has granted me at my second chance. She tortured me for eons at the first failure, this time." The spiders soft voice explodes, her burr becoming heavily accented. "This time I WILL NOT FAIL HER!" A fickle aura flicks to life around the spider as her blades begin glowing a dark purple. And she swings at all three at once. @Thaidakar the Ghostblood @The Aspiring Archivist @That1Cellist
  3. A sickle flicked upwards, the flat of the blade smashing into the coin and shattering it. A pleased clicking sound came from the spider. "Well, well, well, if it isn't Thaidakar, the broken one, TAAron, the lost one, and Shark, the fluffy one. This ought to be fun! She promised me a fight after her first champion failed and this should be a interesting reintroduction into the mortal realm!" @Thaidakar the Ghostblood @The Aspiring Archivist @That1Cellist
  4. Can not we burn heretics because they are no longer of our cult?
  5. Clinic: Roof A tiger leaped after her, falling beside her. Yelping the tiger slashes wildly at the air, paws nearly batting Telrao. The tiger lashed out, claws slashing, reaching out through the realms. The cut appearing on Lark's spirit, not his physical self. The bones held and a viselike grip forced itself on X and Matra. A lazy grin forked the dragon's face. The psychic for eminating from its eyes. "Ready when you are Calano." The spider walked out of the air, the ripple disappearing into the flow of time. "Well, well, well, if it isn't Thaidakar, the broken one, TAAron, the lost one, and Shark, the fluffy one." Her blades tested the air, flicking and spinning. Slicing the very air. Her mandibles drew up in a grin, "this ought to be fun! She promised me a fight after her first champion failed and this should be a interesting reintroduction into the mortal realm." @Thaidakar the Ghostblood @The Aspiring Archivist @That1Cellist
  6. *Quickly hides cow stomachs* Ummm, I guess sooo? Have you asked your mother?
  7. I will unleash the bunnies on any who dare defile the sacred cello.
  8. The point is to learn again. To love and to help others struggle through life, because it is painful and it is hard. But we are here to help one another and you may not see it, but you have a positive impact on many people's lives. Quite honestly though, I don't know how to help you, except to let you know that you are loved. No matter if you don't think you can be or are worthy of it. You are.
  9. ...Before or after a memory of light? Be amazed and also confused. WWYDIYF a dragon that is a tree IYP?
  10. Very nice! still haven't seen the anime that she's from yet 101/10!
  11. The thing is that the pain won't go away by being emotionless, you will still feel it. He thinks Lews Therin made a mistake in leaving the world alive after him; there is no escaping the Wheel without ending everything. Aloud, he demands to know why they have to do this again, why he must relive his failures again. He holds more Power than perhaps anyone ever has, and he prepares to use it to end everything. Rand hesitates, and remembers what Tam had said to him about the reason he does his duties being more important than anything else, and the question he had asked: I love this quote from the wheel of time, because of what it explains. Because each time after we suffer and fall down, we can get back up and try again. It is why we are given second chances and grace. The wheel of time deals with the idea that people are born back into the pattern after they die, but this can be adapted to life. Because we are given love and grace when we try to change. Becoming hard isn't going to remove the pain, becoming hard isn't the way to not feeling pain. Becoming soft is, because you will feel the pain, but you will know that it will help you to eventually be better. I kind of see trials and pain as a way of knowing what others are going through, because if I have had a similar experience then I can partially know what they are going through. I can't know all that everyone is going through, but I do know some of it and that helps. I can testify that there is a being out there who knows and loves you. And if you choose to turn to him, he will comfort you.
  12. Having emotions is good...I'm gonna go find a quote or have you read the wheel of time. Because emotions are good and shutting them off and becoming hard, harder than adamantium isn't going to help.
  13. This is also Kas and Fifth in their trollish states, I think we can probably expect a Kayana distro. I mean that there could be others who are trolls but haven't claimed a second role. Kind of doubt it but at least it means most scans are probably reliable now. Always a silver lining there is. Just have to look out for any that are lies.
  14. Yes, you can *hugs* You are an incredible person and you spread light to those around you, even though you can't see it.
  15. Alliterating alliteration always! Alv's Alligator's allogrithims agreed!
  16. I could bring lasagna. Very yummy one I know how to make, mmmm, makes my mouth water just thinking about it.
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