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The Wandering Wizard

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Everything posted by The Wandering Wizard

  1. I can try but last time I got PAFOd. What's up with everyone forgetting Orlok? Last I checked he wasn't dead. Edit: Yes PM Spiders can scan alignment.
  2. ...you just gonna take their word for it? Because I can see great use in ensuring you believe that you are trolled or not, if I was evil.
  3. What would you get if you were trolled? I can't remember what you get, never been trolled on an odd night
  4. The sickles spun in quick succession, creating a spinning circle of black metal. The figure advanced further and she became clearer, her voice echoing around the roof. "You poor, poor fools. You will not have to pay for attacking your Queen, for I am not yet, but I shall be. I am the true champion of the Kaos. Emma was a useful tool, but she outlived her usefullness." The tiger growled, symbols blazing to an even greater height. The tiger's claws lengthened as it struck at Lark, nearly scratching his skin, "It is too late, I am here, you must korrupt him. You have your orders." The dragon leaped back, arching its neck to exhale a deadly black cloud of Kaos towards Matra and X.
  5. The Clinic: Roof The warping intensified and the silhouette of a female, humanoid spider, clad in metal armor. All eight arms wielding half blade sickles. A unnerving grin split her face, mandibles clicking, yet no sound reached them. @That1Cellist @The Aspiring Archivist
  6. Clinic: Roof The dragon swooped down, claws slashing against the shield, seeking to dig into the fleshy beings behind. It roared in anger as the shield frustrated it's attempts and steam began to blow furiously out of its nostrils. "You must, you are of the Kaos. You can't deny it, your soul is steeped in it. The Kaos gave you the gift of autonomy, if...if you lose that gift. You will never get it back." The air began to warp behind all the people of the clinic.
  7. Bookwyrm's done the last two, so now it's my turn. Anways Cellist could use all the good feelings, positive words, and confidence that you can send him.
  8. The Kaos: Realm "Korrupt him. You are already doing it, but you can speed it up. Korrupt him."
  10. Who is may? I jumpped to it, because my natural first reaction is to not sit on the scan, but to instead put it forth to the thread if it is a red scan.
  11. Honestly thought that you were just going to PAFO me and not put it up because of some unseen power
  12. Another person I had cursed to speak in a scottish accent. It was a fun game And thanks Silhouette!
  13. Not in text Though I was once cursed in a four square game to have to speak with an australian accent.
  14. Ranryu's drawing tutorial (5 easy steps!!!) Combine chocolate milk, red bull, powdered doughnuts in the blender until smooth. Find and tame a rabid koala (chains or some other form of restraint may be necessary) Feed the mixture to the koala. Give the koala art supplies. Take what the koala draws and claim it as your own. - @Ranryu
  15. Yah, but he was viewing the past few days and never said anything about it. Because he would have had to scan Bip N3, why doesn't he?
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