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The Wandering Wizard

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Everything posted by The Wandering Wizard

  1. You do make an interesting argument and it would be a way to clear Randby or send us into insanity as we try to pick apart if either were trolled or not. Steel Sart
  2. Creaking back, bending back Tension tight, hold it there Releasing, follow through Watch the sight, feel it hit See it dip below the yellow Turn in mind, what went wrong Creak back string Release again See it hit, the golden yellow Try again, that perfect shot Once again, fall short Try again, again, and again Feel the calm that settles inside Follow through, all golden yellow Turn in to rest, Fingers blistered, muscles sore Yet a acceptance of events, flows through you And you can sleep soundly once more
  3. Clinic: Roof "Foolish mortals not understanding riddles. I am Wizard." Growling the tiger slashes back at Lark matching him claw to stroke. Clinic: Roof The chase continued and the tiger's tactics continued to evolve, soon they began attempting to grap her limbs to prevent her from drawing the Aons. @Telrao Light Pool "I do not need a response. Good luck." A portal opened up under Platypus's feet, leading straight back to the clinic. @Being of Cacophony Light Pool Bad idea, Calano is still here. The Kaos would learn of our plan, she may already know but we must exercise extreme caution. Do not attempt to bring her here. @The Bookwyrm Light Pool Wizard rubbed up against Calano, his head popping up under one of Calano's arms, proping him up. "How did it go so far? Ready to walk the path to the next one?" @CalanoCorvus Clinic: Roof The tiger dodged, the blast only partially melting his hind leg. "You will pay for that!" Spits out the tiger, growling as it circles gradually faster patterns around Lark and Thaidakar. @Thaidakar the Ghostblood @UnfortunatelyNamed
  4. Clinic: Roof The tiger dodged backwards, seditious words seeping out. "You know me Lark, your allies killed me, but now they are exterminated. The chickens are no more." The Clinic: Roof "No it's not fine, but it is how it will have to be." @InfiniteInsanity
  5. We are here for you and there will be light, it feels like there is no end to the dark but there is. *Hugs*
  6. Steel was just scanned by Randby and scanned to be a bot, but we don't know if she was trolled.
  7. A pile of nearby bones erupts as a massive skeletal dragon crawls out. Slithering across the floor, its spectral tongue flickers, reaching towards X and Matra. @xinoehp512 @Shadowed The Kaos Realm "I'm sorry, the Kaos wants you to be captured. They will have to lower their guards when they take you and in that moment we can strike back. I'm sorry, it was the Kaos's back up plan. I'm sorry." @InfiniteInsanity
  8. The tiger growled, arcane symbols blazing black. Its speed increased beyond normal sight, stopping behind Thaidakar. It hissed a warning to him, "Stop now young pup before your nose is rubbed in the dirt."
  9. The Darkness howled, trying to drown out his calls for help. To leave him issolated and alone, friendless.
  10. The shadows hissed. "We will still have your soul. You will become KAOS!" "Soon, so very soon."
  11. "We will give you rest. The Kaos will give you all the rest that you need. You will never need to feel alone again with your Kaos siblings by your side."
  12. The Origin Sea Wizard sighed as Bookwyrm left. He is allowed to make his own choices, even though this could doom us. He knows the way here. But what will be will be. I can't change it now, couldn't change his mind by yelling at him. Wizard laid down in the sea of light, appearing to be asleep, but quietly keeping an eye on the entrance to the sea. The Kaos Plane It is almost time my child. Your sister will need your help. Emma awoke, her mandibles stretching in a terrifying grin. I am ready mother, ready to strike a decisive blow for the Kaos and fear into their hearts. "I am coming sister. The pillar is almost fully corrupted. You have the energy and the Kaos is sending you some more. Hold on, until I arrive." The shadows hissed, cackling in his ears. The shadows began to become more vicious and to tear at his very being with their lies.
  13. The tiger chuckled, the sound deepening, whispers of darkness spawing from his mouth. Swarming the darkness flew towards each of them, swarming them and encircling. Whispering lies that were truths in their ears. @That1Cellist @Thaidakar the Ghostblood @UnfortunatelyNamed The tigers began to change tactics. Only a few chased after her, swiftly doding the blasts of flame, trying to trap her. The others patrolled around the tower, waiting for her to teleport. @Telrao
  14. The tiger hissed, spitting fire. "She doesn't and you know that you lie." He will have to be corrupted quickly before he spreads the lie. The tiger swiped at Shark, claws tearing a ear splitting sound through the air. The claws nearly cutting gouges out of Shark, but they failed to penetrate his silvery form.
  15. I can finally compound ZINC! ULTIMATE POWER SHALL BE MINE!
  16. Did you see the spirit vessel that Link has on his waist?
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