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The Wandering Wizard

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Everything posted by The Wandering Wizard

  1. The tiger's ears flicked backwards, a low hiss coming from it's mouth. "My twim, Emma, was killed by you light loving murderers."
  2. The tigers mobbed her, licking her with their tongues. Their Kaos beginning to dim the light. The tiger lifted its paw, idly sharpening its claws. "Yes, I am who you think I am. Luckily my sister caught me spying on her and brought me to her side. Soon you too will know the pleasure of the Kaos." Slowly the tiger lowered its paw, imprinting Lerac with its Kaos pawprint.
  3. A devlish grin appeared on the tiger's face. "You mean you don't know? Even though you killed my twin, my sister is corrupting the pillar."
  4. The nearest tiger's eyes blazed up from the blinding light, their nose becoming their primary method of sense. Doggedly they pad onward, heading towards the smell of cat. "No, that is all for now." Wizard pads over to Platypus and puts his paw on Platypus's face. "This words have the power you give them. Power in words, power in me, power in you, my god. Exorcise his memory of this place! Ecalp siht fo yromem sih esicroxe. Dog ym, uoy ni rewop, em ni rewop, sdrow ni rewop. Meht evig uoy rewop eht evah sdrow siht!" A tiger rushed towards the group, this one was built differently. Arcane symbols traced in the metal and it's eyes glowed with a black light. Soon the first suprise came. "Leave my sister alone, mortals." @That1Cellist @The Aspiring Archivist @Thaidakar the Ghostblood
  5. Marry Giant water bottles, kiss normal sized water bottles, kill tiny water bottles. Golden doodle, German shepherd, Husky.
  6. Biplet did indeed use troll scanning on N2, don't know who she targeted, but she did use it.
  7. It is just as important as any other person's problem. You are important and so are your troubles, no matter how insignificant you may think that they seem. *Hugs*
  8. Guess I'll go onto Steeldancer. Haven't been paying much attention to the game because some friends are going through a rough time. Any prayers or well wishes for them are greatly appreciated.
  9. Music is a great way to start the day! And to get through it and to end it! Should I summon the Master of Jazz
  10. A Kaos tiger sprinted at him, it's devil horned head slamming into his gut. "Not particularly. Just let Lark or Thaidakar know that the Kaos will seek the other pillars." The liquid finally stilled, but the acid ran up the dagger, coating the edge and then just staying there.
  11. I don't have a second role, all I have is PM spider and the not very useful information that Biplet scanned someone for trolling N2.
  12. The tiger collapsed, the liquid metal splashing to the ground and it slowly began to slither towards him. Wizard glanced over Platypus, glad to have someone who could run messages. "I have something I need you to do, but it will require you to allow me to erase your knowledge of how to find this place. I need a message to reach everyone else but I can't risk the route to this place reaching the Kaos. Are you willing?"
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