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The Wandering Wizard

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Everything posted by The Wandering Wizard

  1. Clinic: Roof The tigers dashed away, a greater of their number being consumed, but the cautious ones managing to avoid being obliterated and a few managed to avoid it altogether. In sync their noses twitch, the scent of the fire burning in their noses, but a hint of cat peeks through and the pack takes off. @Telrao
  2. It's impossible to cram everything you have ever experienced into a single poem, into a single book. We know that you are suffering and so we can help in what ever ways we can now, and that is enough for us to care, to ache, to sympathize, and to try to feel your pain to truly be able to know what you are going through.
  3. You're welcome, it just flowed into detasseling terms and I just followed the prompting. Parables help get ideas across better I think.
  4. You are loved. This is true and nothing can change it. Your family may not care about you, or pay attention to you. And it's hard when only the people online seem to know and care about you. Other people have a hard time breaking out of their routine, out of their ruts of their daily life. They are in their own pivot divots and they can't turn their head to see their friend struggling to pull the tassles with them. They can not turn back, they will not crap what's the term uh, Bail! They won't bail you out and it feels like those that should be supporting and bumping you forward are not. There are those wonderful, proverbial, bus leaders who are searching for you and are going to help you get out of the sea of corn. To save you from drowning in it. They are those who may not know you, but see you feeling way down and come to uplift you. There are miracles waiting for you in your life. His hand is always outstretched towards you and so are all of ours. We are here for you.
  5. A half melted tiger lunged out of the fire at him. Its paw swiping against the back of his leg. The first tiger slammed against the bubble, claws raking kaos against the bubble. The deadly corruption seeking entrance into the shield and Telrao. The Origin Sea The tiger gestures at Calano's body in the sea of light. "We must protect him and his body, if he is corrupted then all is lost. This is the first of three pools of light and the first of three trials that he must pass. @The Bookwyrm @CalanoCorvus
  6. I don't think that they can be trolled. As trolling is a night action and ties are during the day?
  7. Warily a pack of tigers stayed to watch him, but the rest split off dashing away, preoccupied by something else and daunted by the ring of fire. Quickly the tigers began to realize what Telrao was doing and they began to hunt her. Dashing after the scent of cat with their unnatural speed, claws digging gouges in the stone of the roof. A high pitched shrieking of metal on metal began to blast through the air.
  8. There's a nintendo direct tomorrow so, hopefully some more news?
  9. Try checking status updates, I think it was in one of those
  10. The tigers started to speed up, dodging the blasts with unnatural speed. Their fangs began to glisten as black saliva dripped down, hissing as it fell onto the ground. A tiger dashed towards Lerac with searing speed, fangs stretching outwards with rivulets of corrosive acid dripping downwards.
  11. Monk Maz Koshia is just a pain for how long he takes to be defeated.
  12. *Takes a deep bow* *Jumps out the window in a heroically cool pose*
  13. The tiger collapsed into a pile of melted slag, a purplish liquid leaking from it. Warily the tigers encircled Lerac from behind, careful now that one of their number had been lost. @The Aspiring Archivist
  14. Nah, I always usually go for 13 hearts first And I usually take other ones before building up to that one. I always leave Vah Medoh for last. Always.
  15. People are getting frustrated at frustration Mostly people just stop?
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