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The Wandering Wizard

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Everything posted by The Wandering Wizard

  1. I asked Kas if it would be a game related fact and listed some off. But that isn't the same thing. The thing is, it is a GM fact about the player which alignment is in that realm of possibility.
  2. Clinic: Roof A snarl blasts from the closest tiger as it stalks proudly towards Lerac. @The Aspiring Archivist
  3. @Shadowed @xinoehp512 @Telrao @Thaidakar the Ghostblood @That1Cellist
  4. It does work, but why wouldn't Stick just point the kill elsewhere? Because if an evil team has a kill they are going to use it and it's not going to matter if it's a protect or a kill because the NK and the terminal seeker would be targetting other people. Because it's kayana for them to target a single person. When they could just get two free kills. Yeah, but I'll stop that tunnel right there. Why do they kill Tani who is an RPer and can just copy Stick to gain a free kill?
  5. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to. But please work up the courage to tell them what you are going through. It will help. Death is always going to hurt. And it's accepted because it is seen as a way out. It is allowed to happen because people have the ability to do anything that they want, but they must accept the consequence of their actions. And it hurts when you know them, because their light is gone from the world. Take your time and if your thoughts start to trend downward, we are all here for you. *Hugs*
  6. I think that everyone is forgetting something quite important. Drake was the one who shot Tani.
  7. Ashbringer (3): Ashbringer, Biplet, Matrim's Dice, The Wandering Wizard, Orlok Tsubodai Biplet (3): Amanuensis, DrakeMarshall, Shining Silhouette Ash and Shining. Biplet could be in there as well and we very well may shoot the possible villager in Ash and Shining This only deepens my Shining tunnel. EDIT: Wasn't that he wasn't trolled that night?
  8. Quote


    You aren't stupid. Being stupid isn't a choice, it isn't something that can apply to anyone. It is a derogatory label that can never apply. You are smart and you are incredible. Remember who you are and that you are loved.

    @Shining Silhouette @Kajsa :) @The Aspiring Archivist

    1. Show previous comments  20 more
    2. Kajsa


      Haly: ‘I argue with my dad a lot. I can’t imagine you arguing with your dad a lot. So there’s my advantage—and then of course there’s the fact that everyone makes mistakes—GOOD JOB UTILIZING YOURS FOR YOUR ARGUMENT THAT WAS SMART. You capacity is limited because you’re NOT stupid—there’s just little evidence to pull from. That’s why. Not because you’re not smart!’

    3. That1Cellist


      A person who is stupid still has limited capacity. That capacity is simply lower than people with a higher intelligence. I have demonstrated that my capacity is much lower than average through my stubbornness and inability to argue my points with you. Additionally, the evidence of my own stupidity is very much existing in abundance. The problem is that I am too unintelligent to remember what those stupid things were or I can't put them into words in the way that makes me sound as stupid as I am. This argument I'm making is also very stupid, which additionally adds  to the obvious definiteness of my unintelligence.

    4. Kajsa


      Haly: "That is, again, a very good argument. I’m impressed with how you keep finding arguments to defend an indefensible position. Perhaps you really do think you’re stupid. Huh. In this instance, I shall have to resort to telling you that you’re not stupid and that I believe in you and that everyone makes and learns from mistakes and that’s okay. Also, you’re still awesome. You said so yourself. You got this! Wooo!"

  9. Worried that they care about you? Because oftentimes that is why people overreact, they care about someone and don't want anything to happen to them.
  10. The Origin Sea Wizard looked at Calano, his gaze settling on him. "You know that I am willing to lay down my life for you a second time. And I can not tell you where you must go, because only you know. Only you can know the path you must travel to completely purge the darkness from your soul." @The Bookwyrm @CalanoCorvus
  11. You live! And this deserves some memes. All are made in good fun and don't mean to offend. Take 1! Take 2!
  12. The only reason I switched back was that I knew Ash wouldn't die and that I didn't really want Bip to die after just being able to re-engage with the thread. Didn't particularly care about the tie right then if I'm being honest.
  13. If you are wrong, what happens? Why do you fear telling them?
  14. Yeah, that stuff is always hard and the anxiety will probably be there until you try it. I didn't particularly want to tell my family about my suicidal thoughts, but it went better than I thought. It really helped me to get out of the slump that I was feeling. Well I decided to go to the activity at the lake and being around people helped. But before hand I talked to my dad and mom about my thoughts and they understood. This might not work for you since I don't know what your parents are like. I know that mine are rarer that what I've seen/heard about other people's parents. That they refuse to see the mental health needs of their children and won't help them get help.
  15. I did say that the tallybot was going to die So what happens now? Because that should have been a tie. I think.
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