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The Wandering Wizard

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Everything posted by The Wandering Wizard

  1. I love using the Gimli and Legolas end of Helm's Deep conversation for a meme template.
  2. I eagerly await it! And I may take you up on the cats! Because who doesn't love cats!
  3. Well the thing is that we are trying to have a control group and by adding extra people we break that control group. So it's better, if the lynch goes on Ash that Bip doesn't die and can possibly be scanned. @Random Bystander, you going to vote someone so you can scan them?
  4. Yeah, I suppose so. Though if he agreed to the tie and agreed to stay in it, woulding breaking it still point to E!Silho?
  5. The Clinic: Roof There is help coming. Wynn is and so are the metal Kaos tigers. And I can always come if I'm needed. I've learned quite a few tricks from the Kaos. She really is a amazing teacher. Just a fair warning I will have temporarily transformed into a demonic humanoid spider in full Kaos armor. This will throw anyone off who knew me before and terrify them that the Kaos has a lot more in store for them. Which she does, more than they can even imagine. A pulse rang out from the pillar, made of Kaos, blasted through out the entire clinic. Snarling growls sounded out and Kaos tigers burst from the floor, surrounding and protecting Insa. @Ranryu @InfiniteInsanity @The Aspiring Archivist @That1Cellist @UnfortunatelyNamed @xinoehp512 @Telrao @Shadowed
  6. Well uh, Ash is unconcerned because he supposedly can't be exed by the thread I would prefer a different tied person than you, but it's not quite up to me if I want to help preserve the tie.
  7. I think it's a good course of action, but don't have the time right now to figure out if it's the best.
  8. Come to me my child. Come up to the surface. A vision of Insa and the pillar appeared in her mind. Mental directions to the top appeared in her mind. The Voice called again. Come to me and help defend my child while she completes my work. @Ranryu The Clinic: Roof Yeah, who knows how much trouble, I mean fun we could have gotten into. I can feel the corruption in the pillar. It's almost there. @InfiniteInsanity @CalanoCorvus
  9. Yah, you are an incredible person! And I'm glad to have gotten to know you, even if my goal was to kill you that one game.
  10. Works for me. And I'd like to be in the tie since I'm also clear. Curious how vote manip shows up in it, if we are going to use it to confirm Silho. Archer I'll go Ash because I can't make myself go onto Biplet.
  11. I had a similar reaction, inside my head, to the PM Spider role I do like my PMs I might be partially to blame for it. I did explain the concept of a role that I had for a gold compounder scadrian game who could only be removed by the lynch. So I guess the opposite of your role but still similar Yes it does take an action and I have sent a PM N1 and N3. As I like my PMs Yeah, except I could maybe take Mat out of the PoE and stick you in there instead Does it though, I think people have brought up good points about her being a LHF which I know I've done a similar tactic on Silho in MR61 You certain about that Lack of vote engagement can very easily come from lack of engagement in the game. I know this pretty well from the AG I understand you, given that I was an inactive villager in the AG, who had IRL reasons and just dgaf about the game. I get your position and is there anything that I can do to help you get re-engaged in the game? And I hope that your reaction calms down soon! Been paranoiding on Archer for information that I've been recieving. Could be persuaded to switch to TJ or Silho. But my eyes are on Archer for now.
  12. Fasting is easier for me when I have a reason that I'm fasting for. So try keeping someone in need in your thoughts and fast for them when you do. I can promise that it will be easier to ignore the hunger pains. Also try preparing the day before by thinking about what you are going to fast for. That was a thought that came to me last night and I thought that I should share it.
  13. The Clinic: Lobby A pack of growls come from the skeletons and they part to reveal a group of onxy tigers. Yowling the tigers chase after the group seeming to want to herd them towards Calano's office. @The Bookwyrm @Telrao @Shadowed @xinoehp512 @Being of Cacophony @Thaidakar the Ghostblood @The Aspiring Archivist @Anyone else in the lobby
  14. The Clinic: Roof I was theorizing reasons why they didn't send you here. Most likely because I was here and they wanted you safe. @InfiniteInsanity
  15. Shooting a bow isn't too hard, just takes a lot of practice. Like a lot of practice to even be accurate at close range. It's very fun though and I greatly enjoy it.
  16. Just a reminder that Mat was scanned village by the mysterious PM Spider. So I'd look elsewhere at first, before condeming Mat. TKN was killed by the elims so unless there was a WGG gambit that was messed up by a roleblock on a protect, I think that TKN is most likely village. Same with Drake for killing Tani. Steeldancer (4): Archer, Ashbringer, DrakeMarshall, The Known Novel Walin(4): Matrim's Dice, Shining Silhouette, Steeldancer, TJ = Strong village = Village leaning So currently I'm looking at a Ash, Shining, Steel, TJ pool. Which the elims could have split their votes. Quite honestly this points me back towards Ash and Shining once again. Because I have slight village credences for TJ and Steel. The scan could be wrong on Mat, so you could throw him in there possibly as well. Though I don't think the PM Spider was trolled.
  17. Or he could send one to you and you be the middle man. Though I suppose it makes the most sense for all the PM Spiders to be connected so they can branch out in different directions and spider through everyone. I don't really expect to be on much tomorrow due to an archery tournament and Saturday just being busy. I have sent in my order early and it's not to a known PM spider. @The last Fae in the Woods remember to PM someone tonight, preferable me or Archer and we can connect you with the network.
  18. The Clinic: Roof From what I remember we didn't have a little sister when they sent us to the clinic so I think that they had you in the later years of their war against the Scourage. I don't know really anything of what they did during that war. But it looked like they were desperate and so they sent you away. I don't know why they didn't take you to the clinic though. Perahps they were just keeping the scourage contained? But...hmmm. @InfiniteInsanity
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