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The Wandering Wizard

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Everything posted by The Wandering Wizard

  1. Anna pulls him into a nearby building, tears starting to leak from her eyes. "He wants you, doesn't he."
  2. Yes I think I will!!! Hehe I've started helping a friend who has 35 story ideas edit her books :3
  3. It's very confusing how it works but I think I've got it. And being poisoned/drunk doesn't help at all >.< Cuz say she's village, then they roll from Darkfriend or Forsaken as the false info. And if it happens to land on Darkfriend, then I can only get a Villager or the Forsaken in the next two rounds. Edit: so basically my pool is rather screwed up now As I will never know what Aeo was supposed to be or what she was falsely rolled as.
  4. *pulls everyone into a group hug* Yeah...it reminds me of a song I love "There are no words in times like these Where tears don't hide the tragedies And all you want is a reason for the world." So we're here. Just here to cry with you and mourn with you. We're just here for you
  5. Lilyana growled and snapped at them, her face turning scales, horns, a tail and wings starting to burst from her body. The cold only intensified. @Ookla the Believer
  6. No I just get one person each night. And one night the person is a villager, another a darkfriend, and another the Forsaken. But the scan was tainted so idk the possibility of you being evil, but anyways if you're the dragon reborn, you should claim it so we can kill you and win ALL HAIL THE SACRED QUOKKA!!!
  7. The light was directed away by a powerful force that was stiring in her mind. It growled at him and sent a blast of ice into his mind.
  8. Are you evil? Cuz my scan says you have a high chance of being evil
  9. Charlotte winked at him. "Don't worry, I'm terrible at it too," she whispered conspiratorially. @Ookla the Believer
  10. I think that's right. Idk if the village wants to take the shot yet. But I'll share what I get every cycle in here.
  11. "STOP!!! WHAT ARE YOU DOING TO HER??? STOP!!!!" A frigid wave of ice blasted out from her, and then another, soon a small snowstorm was blowing around her, leaving only her and Eddie unaffected by it. "Hey are you alright," asked Anna, worry reflected in her eyes.
  12. Charlotte blushes, "but I'm afraid you don't know me that well yet. You'll see...they all do."
  13. "What do you mean? This place is our home and it has been for years. Are you alright Calev?"
  14. I can confirm this is what I got, so technically I could get 1 1 1 or a 2 1 0 So if Aeo pops up twice, she could be the Forsaken as they're most likely to pop up twice. Really anyone that pops up twice I'd take the chance to kill, as darkfriend and Forsaken have higher chances of appearing twice than a villager.
  15. "I'm kind of the odd one out in my family...mostly of them got some magical gift that they use like potions or spell casting." She looked down at her feet, "I got enhanced physical strength. So I secretly learned how to fight and I can move faster in armor as it's not as heavy to me. So I'm not much of a proper Lady, I'm afraid."
  16. Well unless the lies work like LG92 where they were opposites. But that kinda doesn't work as those are the only categories for me So...theoretically I think... If she is a villager, she could have taken the forsaken or darkfriend slot instead...I think? @Kasimir
  17. Yes...but still I was hoping for it to be accurate...mostly So...idek what she could be until my lie questions get answered so I guess it's kinda worthless now though, maybe.
  18. Aeo because she has a 2/3 chance of being evil Yes this is a watchman claim. MATTTTTTTTTTTT YOU RUINED MY SCAN ;-;
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