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The Wandering Wizard

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Posts posted by The Wandering Wizard

  1. 8 hours ago, Ookla the Destined said:


    Also this

    Answers come to those who read 😛 

    Basically, we lose if we exe two villagers, so we should only use two exes. Not using one C1 makes the most sense from an info-gathering standpoint.

    I was exhausted alright :P

    Wait I thought it was just two villagers in a single cycle not over the whole game?



    8 hours ago, Ookla the Destined said:

    It ends in two days but the game ends in three, so /shrug

    Edit: The ninjas are crazy xD

    Kas lock v as well tbh

    8 hours ago, Haelbarde said:


    I've concluded that Kas is the Dark One and his victory is inevitable... >>

    Or maybe I need to go watch some One Night Werewolf playthroughs.

    Yeah Kas is definitely evil this time Mat :P

  2. 1 hour ago, Ookla the Believer said:

    Eddie was curled in a nook between two buildings. I’m trying to help. I’m trying to make them stop hurting. I just want them to be at peace. I’m just helping them find the truth. She took a deep, shuddering breath, shivering despite the fire that covered her. “I am protecting them,” she growled. And then she closed her eyes, and a wave of magic flew out of her, filling the minds of those around her with memories of success, with peace, with the knowledge that this was their happy ending.


    Lilyana still ran looking and calling for Eddie.


    She called passing her hiding place without knowing it.

  3. 6 hours ago, InfiniteInsanity said:
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    at my skin


    It doesn't belong

    to me



    Its the ghost 

    of who I once was

    the smiling




    of a girl

    with messy hair

    and perfect grades

    before mirrors 

    were enemies

    before it mattered

    if my clothing matched

    before I watched 

    what I ate.


    It doesn't feel

    like it fits anymore


    I want it off.


    Make it go away.

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    You're never too old

    for fairy tales.

    But the truth

    of the fairy tales

    is revealed

    as we grow.


    Ursula didn't use magic

    she cut off

    Ariels tongue.

    And Ariel didn't get 

    her happy ending

    She melted into

    the sea

    because the prince

    thought another girl

    was his savior.

    And after that

    Ariel struggled 

    for a 






    to hold back the tears

    And wait for her

    punishment to end.


    Cinderella's stepmother

    wanted so desperately

    for her daughters

    to fit in those magic shoes

    she handed them a knife

    and told them to

    cut off parts of

    their feet. 

    They tried so hard 

    to be someone they weren't

    all to marry a stupid


    It leaves them 

    disabled and broken.

    And then as if that isn't enough

    birds peck out their eyes.


    Rapunzel's prince

    fell from the tower

    and landed in a patch

    of thorns

    which blinded him

    and he was left

    to fend for himself

    while Rapunzel

    freed herself

    and then through

    her tears of sorrow

    healed her prince


    Hansel and Gretel

    only found the candy house

    because their

    step mother hated them

    she tried to loose them

    over and 

    over and 


    but they followed their

    own trails home

    until they ran out of rocks

    then they used bread

    which the birds ate

    and then they were lost

    and had to save themselves

    from being eaten

    by a starving old lady

    with a house built of sweets.


    When the truth 

    of fairy tales

    comes to light

    they don't seem so magical


    They seem more like


    created by 

    broken, abused, hurting authors

    trying to see through 

    their pain

    and imagine their own

    happily ever afters.



  4. 15 minutes ago, Ookla the Destined said:

    ...I can post, right? I think I can post. Wiz did, so anyway

    Some questions: (Edit: @Kasimir)

    • Does the list the Darkfriends receive of their teammates include the Madman?
    • Does the death caused by the Fool count towards the village death limit?

    It's N0, so no voting yet :P But I think no exe D1 is the best strategy-- we have two cycles of infogathering before we need to exe the Forsaken D3, so we should exe someone D2 but not D1 unless we have some really spicy info somehow. There are more nuances than that but I think that's the basic best plan. Gather info C1-2, put all the marbles in D3.

    I think mass claiming is a thing that should happen eventually but not right now as there's ample potential for Darkfriends to have roles that screw with results and stuff like that.

    Ninjad by Archer, I see we have many of the same ideas 😛 lock village tbh

    Oh whoops xD

    I uh though this was just cycles :P

    Obviously I need to reread the rules xD

    Why do you propose no lynch D1?

  5. 1 minute ago, Ookla the Believer said:

    *excited giggling*

    Their false happy ending...

    At some point I'm going to write a time skip, and they'll have kids and it'll be beautiful.

    And then Liz will break out of his dungeon because she has a bet to win.

    Oh no xD

    hehe I'm so excited :3

    *cackle giggles*

  6. 3 minutes ago, Ookla the Believer said:

    Heeheehee thank you guys so much for the poking...I love this scene, so much.

    If you don't want to read my lil words, you never have to.

    Okay. So this scene happens immediately after Ien reads this letter.

    WARNING: romance ahead!!

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    Ien’s hand shook on the letter. He read it again, then again. Mari. I forgot Mari. How had he…he bowed his head, and was surprised to feel his eyes getting wet. She was right. He was becoming Liz. 

    He was becoming a monster.

    He stood abruptly, letting the page fall to his desk. He looked at the guard that had brought him the letter. “Bring her to me,” he said, no, he snarled. “The girl who wrote that. Bring her here. Now.” The guard bowed and left. Ien collapsed into his seat, pulling at his hair. What have I done…oh, spirits, what have I done?

    There was a soft tap at his door. Ien jerked his head up. “Enter.” His voice was hard. When had his voice gotten so hard, so cold and unfeeling?

    The guard came in. He was followed by Mari…in her same ragged dress, wearing chains. He suddenly felt very self conscious; he was dressed like royalty. “Give me the key.” The guard did. “Now leave us.” The guard turned and left, looking almost…disappointed. As soon as the guard was gone, Ien’s shoulders…slumped. He ran to Mari and unlocked the shackles, which fell to the ground with a loud clang. “I…” his voice cracked. “I didn’t–”

    He cut off as Mari threw her arms around him. “I love you,” she whispered. “I love you, Iendenn Marsvall.” 

    He pulled her tight against him. “I’m so sorry,” he whispered into her dirty hair, over and over. “I’m so sorry, I’m so sorry, I’m so sorry.”

    Mari laughed and pulled back, shaking her head. “Ien, oh my Ien. You did it. You’ve saved us all.”

    He blinked at her. “And then I forgot you,” he whispered. “All I could think about was destroying her, not helping any of you. I left you to hurt alone.”

    “No,” she said firmly, eyes so full of love. “No, you didn’t. Maybe you got a little lost on the way, Ien, but it’s not too late. That doesn’t matter. What matters is what you do now, and I know you. You’ll be a wonderful king.”

    Ien barked a single, broken, laugh. “I’m a mess, Ri.” He gestured at the room, as if it could explain it all. There were pages scattered all over his desk, her letter on top. Books and ledgers were stacked on the floor. “And the country is too. Liz taxed them too high, everyone’s starving, the soldiers are taking what they want from the civilians, and I have nothing to give them.”

    “Shh,” Mari said quietly. Stars and spirits, but Ien loved her. “Just shh, okay? You look so tired.”

    “I am,” he whispered. “I can’t do this, Ri. I don’t…everything I do just causes more problems. It’s like all I can do is choose who to hurt. If I could step down, I would, but that would hurt even more people, there would be a succession war, and–”

    “Ien,” Mari said, and he fell silent, looking at her. I shouldn’t be telling her all this. She just got out of the prison, she needs to rest, to recover… “Ien,” she repeated. “Let me be your hero.”


    “Let me be your hero, Ien. You’ve been fighting so hard for so long. It’s okay if the steel around your heart is starting to rust. It’s okay if you need to lean on someone. At the end of these stories, the hero gets the princess, right? Then let me be your princess. Let me be a…a bottle of polish! Let me teach you how to shine again, because I know that you can. I am here for you, Ien. And if…if you don’t want me…” She seemed to shrink in on herself, but then she straightened and tossed her messy braid behind her. “Then I am sorry I’ve taken your time, and I thank you for my freedom.” She watched him, taking a heaving breath.

    Ien’s face broke into a grin. “Oh, Ri. I want you. I want you more than I’ve ever wanted anything. If you are by my side, I know we can do this.” He stepped forward and kissed her, wishing he had the words to say all that he meant, heart filled with the gentle fire of love. She kissed him back, and they held each other for a long moment. The world had collapsed around them, but their love was a flower sprouting from the ashes, a promise that all would be rebuilt.

    Finally, Ien pulled back. Mari brushed her finger tenderly against his cheek, then laughed. She sounded like a fae, something from a long forgotten tale of magic. “Tonight,” she said, “I need a bath. And a new dress.

    “And tomorrow, we can start healing this kingdom.”


    We really need to writing prod you more :3 :D

  7. 1 minute ago, DrakeMarshall said:

    My good sir, the signpost for this town clearly reads "Helgen."

    If the paint looks a bit fresh, well... I wouldn't know anything about that you should totally ask Kas about it :ph34r:

    Hmmm no I think your answer is quite satisfactory good sir. The lay of the land looks suspiciously like my hometown of Hinderstap, but nothing wrong with that. Just reminds me of home and the horrors that happened there. And we had the most odd dreams...

  8. Just now, Ookla the Believer said:

    He sucked in a breath at the sight of her, "I-" he shook his head. "I dare not say, lest my words prove themselves inadequate."

    Charlotte blushed, "well thank you milord."

    She offered him her hand, "ready to go, Lord...oh uhm what's your name? I fear I forgot to ask in my childishness."

  9. Just now, Ookla the Believer said:

    "Of course," he said amiably. "I'll...just wait outside, then." He turned and stepped out the door, closing it softly behind him.

    "I'll be quick about it," she called. "No reason to take forever to get outside."

    Quickly she changed into a slim emerald green dress and just left her hair down. Shyly she walked out of the room, "so what do you think?"

  10. 5 minutes ago, Ookla the Believer said:

    He gave her a deep nod, almost a bow. "Will you favor me with a walk, then, my lady?"

    Charlotte bowed, "of course, just I'd ask that you'd let me change into some proper attire if you don't mind."

    4 minutes ago, Ookla the Lotus said:

    "Oh my, thank you, sir. I believe it is quite the opposite, though. I don't know what I'd do having not met your son. I daresay  he truly is a gift to this world we live in."

    She smiled, looking at Cedric once more.

    @Ookla the Yellow Sock

    He may be a gift to the world you live in, but he's not one in mine.

    Outwardly he just smiled and nodded, eagerly devouring the new dish. 

  11. 6 minutes ago, Ookla the Lotus said:

    "Well, that truly is a shame. I would be very willing to... talk to them from time to time. I find it simply repulsive that servants who have the honor to work in an incredibly respectable house such as yours would find it in any way acceptable to behave without perfection and excellence. In this household, the servants must memorize: Cum gratia, excellentia, et decentia hostem superare, nunquam supra locum nostrum ascendentem, et solum reverenter agentem. With grace, excellence, and propriety to overpower the enemy, never rising above our place, and only acting with most respect."

    He smiled, "well of course I'd be glad to have you over to talk to them. And may I say my son is a lucky young man to have someone as wonderful, skilled, and beautiful as you, Lady Mae."

    Just now, Ookla the Believer said:

    "I'd like to be," he said softly. "I'd like to be." 

    She smiled kindly at him, "well at the very least I can give you a chance."

  12. 5 minutes ago, Ookla the Lotus said:

    "Oh, that's disappointing," Mae clapped her hands, calling over a butler. After having whispered something into his ear with that sickly syrup voice of hers whenever she makes cool, evil threats, his face turned red and he just nodded, running off immediately. Only moments later, Lord John's dish was replaced with a new, warm platter. Mae smiled. "Yes, I do hope this one is excellent, sir. We have high standards in our household, you see."

    John smiled devilishly, "now that's what I love to hear! Are you certain I can't get you to come manage my servants? They haven't been proper since the Lady Belford died."

    2 minutes ago, Ookla the Believer said:

    "That's all right," he said. "I should have approached you differently."

    She smiled slyly at him, "I still would have slammed a shield into your face."

  13. 22 hours ago, Ookla the Believer said:

    Hee hee I shall live in terror of your black writing cat :) 

    THANK YOU!! I...GENUINELY DON'T KNOW, BUT I'M SO EXCITED TO WRITE THIS WHOLE THING (hehe all the character arcs are so fun...and tomorrow I'll hopefully write some epic Ien/Mari romance...)

    *boops with cat*

  14. 1 minute ago, Ookla the Believer said:

    He smiled shyly. "I've heard a lot about your family, and even more about you. The girl no one loves. Forever alone, refusing to be pinned down by a man...I don't want to pin you down. I want to fly free with you."

    She blushed slightly at this," I...I'm sorry milord. I have treated you most unfairly when  you never sought me ill."

    1 minute ago, Ookla the Lotus said:

    She blushed lightly, "Thank you, sir. I do mean what I say. How are you enjoying your dish?"

    He shrugged, "it's a fine dish. Nothing like I've had at home, but fine nonetheless."

  15. 2 minutes ago, Ookla the Believer said:

    Eddie looked around at all of them, eyes wide. "I'm just trying to help," she whispered, then turned and ran.


    "Eddie wait!!"

    Lilyana dashed after her, determined to comfort her friend.


    Hehe she won't find her for a bit :)


  16. Just now, Ookla the Lotus said:

    "Is that so? Why, I disagree. You've raised a strong, capable son who is quick-witted, silver-tongued, and wise yet maintains level-headedness with manners of utmost politeness. I've never laid eyes on a better lord, sir. You've been an impressive father, I imagine. To be fair to Cedric, it is rather hard to fill shoes as large as yours, Lord."

    He chuckled slightly, "well it seems he's not the only silver tongued one around here, Lady Mae."

  17. 3 minutes ago, Ookla the Lotus said:

    "Yes. Well, I believe you've raised your son to be an excellent young lord."

    Mae smiled lovingly over at Cedric, placing her hand gently on his.



    It is and it surprised me the rest of her character :D

    1 minute ago, Ookla the Yellow Sock said:

    He squeezes her hand, setting down his fork slowly. He looks back up at her. He doesn’t have to pretend, he really does love her. He smiles at her slightly.

    ”Thank you, honey.”




    This is amazing :D

    "Mmm I doubt that, unless he's changed significantly since he's left. We tried our best but never could teach him a single thing."

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