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The Wandering Wizard

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Everything posted by The Wandering Wizard

  1. The Clinic: Roof It was interesting, I generally was in the dark, because the light was dangerous and scary. I made deals with my friends from the dark and eventually got possessed by one who I thought was my best friend. @InfiniteInsanity
  2. Maybe one had a PM with him? Village redirect potential? Redirected elim kill? @xinoehp512 did you have any PMs besides your GM PM?
  3. The Clinic: Roof So he found out, hunted down the organization, and killed your family? Sounds like a star wars resistance that failed....I've been asking you a lot of questions, you can ask me some if you want. @InfiniteInsanity
  4. The Clinic: Roof Rebels fighting a righteous cause? But doing some questionable things to stop him? I've heard stories like that before. What exactly did you do? @InfiniteInsanity
  5. The Clinic: Roof The pillar began to appear and slowly it began to blacken, Kaos spreading through the light, intermingling with it. What did they like to do and what was it like living with your parents? I never knew mine since I started the scourage at a young age and we were put in the clinic to protect us from it. Bitterness crept into her voice, it was also to keep me from harming others because I wasn't incontrol of myself or my powers. @InfiniteInsanity
  6. Chess is quite fun, though I haven't played it in a while. Have you ever played Stratego?
  7. The Clinic: Roof This could be a little while. Hmmm, what was your family like? @InfiniteInsanity
  8. The Clinic: Roof I'm not entirely certain that it will destroy it. The Kaos thinks that they could have, but I don't think that our parents and Calano's parents did. The staff will help us tremendously and everyone is almost guaranteed to make it out. The clinic has some great emergency protocols for escape. @InfiniteInsanity
  9. Drake could be a good one, or Araris. Ooo! If you do Araris we can confirm that the extra vote does appear each time.
  10. The Clinic: Roof It would look like a long staff made of a black metal with a sickle on each end. When you find it you will have to corrupt the invisible pillar of light. Once it's corrupted and you have the sickle I can take you into this realm. A sorrowfull note colors Emma's thoughts. If they were foolish enough to build the pocket dimension from the bindpoint it will collapse the dimension and all in it will be lost. @InfiniteInsanity
  11. To be the one spearheading the assult on the bindpoints. The Kaos wants Calano to think that I am dead so that I can be a secret weapon for later. Also she wants to train me more in the arts of Kaos. You have it in you sister and I'm always here if you need help. There's one in the clinic on the roof of the clinic I think. Corrupt it to shatter it and restore more of the Kaos's power and retrieve the artifact kept in the invisible pillar of white light. I believe this one is the staff, you will be able to sense it when you get close. @InfiniteInsanity
  12. Clinic: Lobby The plan, the plan! Remember the plan my Child. Emma froze as the swords flashed down towards her and she shifted to another plane as the swords were seeking her blood. The plan was complete, all would think her dead. Except Insa, who Emma kept her connection with and sent a general sense of what had transpired to her. Her cloak fell to the ground, her body no longer there to support it and her staff was left. Discardered, abandoned so it could fulfill it's purpose. @CalanoCorvus @Telrao @The Aspiring Archivist The Kaos Plane Emma landed lightly on the black stone in the pitchblack realm. Her eyes pierced the darkness, because to her there was no darkness, to her there had never been any darkness. Grinning Emma ran across the rocky outcrops, leaping and playing like a child. Excited for this break before her next mission. But for now she was to keep her existance hidden and transfer the mantle to Insa. To make it appear that she was the next choosen avatar and that Emma really was gone. Even her connection had been cut, quite masterfully by Calano himself as he tried to give her mercy. "How are you doing Insa? The Kaos wants you to be it's avatar for a while, so that they can all think that I'm dead for now." @InfiniteInsanity
  13. It works by if you are the leading train by rollovet. Then the next day a single person who was voting you would gain a extra vote if they had the same allignment as you.
  14. Lynchbait? True, but we also don't know the standard for this kind of game. It's safer to be warry.
  15. Clinic: Lobby The staff stayed on the ground and Emma stayed in her bowed over form, not caring about what would happen to her. Hardly caring at all, not caring anymore. Her life was gone and the single chance she had of getting it back was passing her by, she could feel the corruption begining to seep back in. "End it." Breathed out Emma, the whisper barely reaching Calano. "End this before I am compelled." @CalanoCorvus
  16. I've got you, though this will destroy a second shining train in twice as many days Shining Steel
  17. Well if TKN was the elim goalkeeper then they probably don't have a troll. Because I think there would have been a extra kill and Araris would have known if TKN was trolled. So I think that he isn't? Or the GMs were crazy and gave the village all the trolling roles >> Distros are tricky because GMs love to subvert them when they get the chance and also we don't know all the roles. I'm certain that there are quite a few passive ones that we don't know. Wait didn't TJ target TKN or something N1? Nevermind it was Shining so this theory should hold. Unless the elims decided not to gain an extra kill N1??? Which would be rather strange give I think they would be trigger happy with kills.
  18. @CalanoCorvus Clinic: Lobby "You can rekindle the light inside of me Calano. You know how." @CalanoCorvus
  19. They are too easy to corrupt though. People...people are harder to do so and that is the fun in it. Flash wagoning a player I think, accidentally mistaking it for rollover as well. Also mispelling it and having the world cup on in the background. What about being flashwagoned Personally sympathetic to being flashtrained, but logically stuck on you.
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