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The Wandering Wizard

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Everything posted by The Wandering Wizard

  1. Nope! Not a bot. I like corrupting things, but those that are people not bots. Bots are too boring to corrupt. I tried the same, it doesn't work quite yet. Ash Shining
  2. Clinic: Lobby The staff fell from Emma's hand as she fell to the ground sobbing. "I should have gone with you into the dreamscape. If I'd never left you we'd never be in this situation. I wouldn't be already corrupted and we'd still have hope." Emma looks up at Calano from her sitting spot on the ground, tears still in her eyes. "Yes she's my sister, it's something that we learned from a memory that we shared." @CalanoCorvus
  3. I believe that it doesn't matter that Striker was dead. Just that he had voted Striker the previous day/Striker had voted him. Don't know for certain though.
  4. Randby trolled Xino so someone should be troll immune since Randby was trolling instead of RPing. I think.
  5. The thing about the lie is that then we know that they aren't that, if you know you were trolled. Because if a scanner were trolled and got village then they would know that, that person can't possibly be. That complicates some things. Though I don't think it could fool the lynchbait.
  6. Basically it's just a lie instead of a truth. There could be other factions, we don't know if there are any though.
  7. That was a fun game! Glad to play with you again. So do you only have your GM PM? Because Kas and Fifth are notorious trolls For me it's mostly a placeholder vote while I look over you and it may switch by the end. I like that flavor
  8. *Sigh* Silho Ash I've found some reasons to lean Silho village instead of evil. So I'll return the pressure to Ash.
  9. Get some sleep when you can! How do you know what my reason for looking at Ash is? Besides just wanting to look at him.
  10. Yeah, but you just sheeped me for no reason at all. So now I'm looking at you Still looking at Ash. ED1T: You certain that isn't in 12 hours? Since the day just started
  11. Clinic: Lobby "Hello there Calano. Take my hand, join with me. Please Calano, I miss you and if you don't I'll be forced to kill you." Tears spring to Emma's eyes as she feels the urge from the Kaos to kill him. He'd never understood, she'd never wanted to kill him, never. And she sent those feelings along the link. A desire to serve the Kaos to serve it with Calano and their sister, Insa. @CalanoCorvus @Telrao
  12. We have confirmation from Striker that dead villagers don't count towards parity so I think dead elims don't either. Welcome Drake! Who was nearly spelled as Darth! @Kasimir do any dead people regardless of allignment still count to parity after death? Bro, the kill was already claimed on TKN by Drake There very well could be, but it's partially a tangent. I will bring to everyone's attention that Araris targetted TKN N1, meaning that he didn't put in the kill the first night. Most likely that he didn't, I could have been trolled, but I believe that their attention was on Bookwrym so Orlok ED1T: @The last Fae in the Woods did you scan someone yesterday and did you learn anything from it that you'd like to share? ED2T: Something has been bothering me. Why did the bots kill Xino? TKN makes more sense for a kill from them, but Drake claims to have killed him.
  13. Ah the cursed cat video. I have a feeling we all are going to see it one way or another. @The Bookwyrm, did you learn anything enlightening from last night? ED1T: It means he didn't submit the kill N1! Just realized that Because TKN just died, he didn't die during N1. Which was the night that I got information for.
  14. That would have worked, if such a thing happened. Yeah the math doesn't add up. It could be a friendly villager that can protect a person from all roleblocks? And if an elim roleblocked you, why didn't the kill go on Bookwyrm. Yeah, immunity seems to be a possible explanation.
  15. I knew there was a roleblock hiding somewhere! It would require a bit for Aman to be evil. Firstly Striker would have to be and Bookwyrm, the other lynch candiate D1 would have had to be trolled. Not very likely since there were no PMs D1 and few roleclaims except his odd role one. You as the NK more than Xino, I think. No...though I think Ada looks like a gladiator at times
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