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The Wandering Wizard

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Everything posted by The Wandering Wizard

  1. What? All I know is that Araris targetted TKN D1. Not certain what to do with that, doesn't help either way. I don't think I was trolled though, so probably true information. Any other PM spider can just relay information through their PMs and have their PM buddy claim if they want to remain anonymous.
  2. "Push through the energy, you have the power. You'll have to figure it out on your own right now. I'm afraid that I can't quite help you right now. Calano is trying his best to kill me right now. It's rather cute how he's trying to do it and act like he doesn't care anymore." @The Aspiring Archivist @CalanoCorvus @InfiniteInsanity
  3. A thick black mist begins billowing out of the blackened teardrop at a rapid rate. A tendril of fog bursts from Insa's fingertips slithering inside TAAron. The rest of the mist begins to billow out from every pore in Insa's body. @The Aspiring Archivist @InfiniteInsanity
  4. Yes, give them to us! Plz Haly you the best!
  5. Clinic: Lobby The staff begins vibrating in her hand, glowing that lovely black. A thick fog began to stream forth from the staff, a solid wall of Kaos. Emma grinned, it was going to be so nice to turn the advantage against them. Soon they wouldn't be the ones who could see and she would be able to see all! Wait, that wasn't my thought. No Child, that was my thought. I am the Kaos. Bowing in her mind to the Kaos Emma smiled. It was wonderful to be in the prescence of the Kaos again. A invisible hand rested on her shoulder, bringing her back to her feet. No need for that Child. I know of your desire to serve me. Emma's heart leaped in her chest, because the Kaos spoke the truth. I have only ever wished to serve you, my Queen. That I know Child. You become just like me, the more you free of me. The one in this place holds it together, destroy it and you will destroy their sanctuary! I understand my Queen. You have my word that it will be done. Immediately the contact ceased and the euphoria slowly left Emma. The fog began to seep into her necklace, the one that matched Insa's. "It is ready sister, just tap on the necklace while revealing that you are my sister, it may stun them long enough." @InfiniteInsanity
  6. The Clinic: Infirmary "Yes, pretend that you aren't. See what you can learn while I block off all the exits with Kaos."
  7. The Clinic: Infirmary Emma's voice calls softly in Insa's mind. "Can you here me? I can see a little through the necklace. It appears that the wind chime girl is no longer with them and they don't know you are corrupted."
  8. Would that be the first thing you'd think of? Or would you just claim and not particularly think about that part of it?
  9. Devo clarified that they would only get one, I think. Okay. I'll see if I can send one on an odd night soon, though I already have a backlog of requests.
  10. Clinic: Lobby "Just one thing." Emma taps Insa right above her brestbone. A single black teardrop appears on a onyx chain. "That will allow for easy access to the main body of the Kaos's power and easy communication with me. Stay safe sister, I must stay here for now." @InfiniteInsanity
  11. They're quite fun to play, usually in 6/8 or 9/8 and in tripplets. Very fast, and very fun! Decent parts for cellos usually.
  12. Can agree about 7/8, never played 11/8 yet Does anyone here like playing Jigs?
  13. Clinic: Lobby A unnaturally black onyx staff appears in Emma's hands as she leaps through the portal. Slamming into the ground, Emma stands still. Allowing the Kaos from the staff to spread outwards into the clinic. @InfiniteInsanity @Shining Silhouette @CalanoCorvus
  14. Is it safe for scanners, protects, and kills to target you? ED1T: I suppose in general actions.
  15. Okay, hello there first evil claim of the game. Do you mind answering if anyone who has died is evil? And would you like a PM?
  16. The Dreamscape Emma grinned at Insa, the Kaos flickering in her eyes. "We go in together, sister!" The army of skeletons lurches forward. Various skeletal animals are intermingled with humanoid shapes. A lone skeletal dragon breathes Kaotic breath above the horde. "It is time." The skeletons lurch through the portal, heading into the lobby of the clinic. @InfiniteInsanity@CalanoCorvus@Shining Silhouette@Telrao@Shadowed@xinoehp512@That1Cellist
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