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The Wandering Wizard

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Everything posted by The Wandering Wizard

  1. ...This isn't needed Fadran, all the Elims start knowing who they are Uh, Bookwyrm is male Ada
  2. Striker claimed the role of Lynchbait, which to cut the story short would put a extra vote on Aman, me or Araris. But only on people of the same allignment as him. Striker was scanned village so this was going to be helpful. Sart voted on Araris and a extra vote materialized on Araris, and a random vote on Aman. Araris claims that his role added the extra vote to him so that would mean that Aman is village along with Striker, BUT only if Bookwyrm isn't lying or his scan wasn't trolled. Which would have resulted in a lie instead.
  3. Thank you for this clarification and enlightening my tunnel! Still doesn't look good for Sart.
  4. Why does Araris have two votes and Aman has none? >> Cracked theory below and everything is pure speculation and at least 25% tunneling: Sart is evil with Araris and was trying to make it look like there was his one vote on Araris and a second one that came from lynchbait. But it appears to have materialized on Aman. At least, that's what I believe. Doesn't mean Sart is teamed with Dannex, but possibly with Araris. Unless Araris has something to say about his role messing with it. Who knows anymore. But I now theorize that Sart has a last minute voter role of that line of flavor. And I think it can double his vote. Not entirely useless Striker, just less useless and quite possibly revealed Sart.
  5. Quite possibly tunneling, quiet. Little substance and refusal to claim even though his is going to die.
  6. I read Tani as evil, but yeah she's dead Still going to stay entrenched on Dannex. Tunnel too dark and deep.
  7. True, I can see it, but you also aren't disuading it much. Any method can be stopped or reversed. Personally I won't fully trust any information that I gain. I didn't fully trust Bookwyrm's claim of Striker, but it seems to be fitting with my reads so at this moment, the only thing that is going to get us off of you is a harder claim than just the nebulous scan.
  8. Remembering LG90 much Mmm, yeah I agree with this mostly. I don't neccessarily like the reason for voting people out is because their inactive, but the kills go for the active and talkative players because they are present and solving. I also agree on this front, but a true inactive won't be present to provide the information. True, though the shining push didn't really get far. It fizzed out and got no claim. Reread all of Dannex to see if I read him differently. Didn't find anything except a disengagement from the game and a lack of attempts at solving. This could very well be time constrained, but dah, he feels not good still. I did just reread you, and I'm feeling worse about you than before. You popped right in a the beginning of the day and didn't come back during that day. Why didn't you?
  9. I'm not quite certain that I like it too much as well. But not too much I can do. I don't want to go onto Mat though, as that is the alternative to Dannex that I see. Don't want to go onto TJ, Stick, or Orlok that much. Maybe Mat but Dannex is on Mat, so I guess I'll stay for now.
  10. Here you go! Vote Tally Dannex (6): Ada, Ash, Wiz, Xino, Stick, Mat Mat (2): TJ, Dannex Ash (1): Shining Stick (1): Araris Orlok (1): Bookwyrm TJ (1): Archer GMs please double check before you kill anyone with my VC but I think that should be correct. Dannex has a lead of four votes. Note: Stick was on Mat, Dannex followed and Stick jumped onto Dannex for reasons relating to him asking to not be voted on. Elims are more likely to kill you over elims because even going off of a GM lie, we can't tell that it is a lie.
  11. No it's fine, better to have two to catch any discrepancies. As I already see one. I forgot about Araris's claim of watching trolls from his porch. I've been interpreting it as he can target a person to know who targeted who, or knows if that player was trolled. ED1T: As long as it doesn't actually kill him, that's a good idea. Though you are very likely to be trolled/killed this turn. Perhaps even roleblocked if one is in here.
  12. It's not harsh and quite honestly something we needed to hear. At least I know I did. General partial reread thoughts: I think Tani was the vig!Kill or trolled goalkeeper kill because well Devo feels less suspcious and Devo would be more likely to be NKd earlier than Tani. At least I would probably have done that. Suppose my suspicion of Tani comes from her dropping a single vote on me and not coming back. Striker was the first person to disbelieve Aman's Referee claim. Stick, Bookwyrm, TKN, Ash, Fadran, Steel, Shining, and Fae all believed it before Striker disbelieved it. Claims: Aman: Troll/Goalkeeper Hybrid Bookwyrm: Analyst Fae: SE Buddy/PM Spider, Claimed me as his buddy Wizard: PM Spider TKN: Goalkeeper Devo: RPer Steel: Pinchhitter Ranby: RPer, got Troll from Aman Striker: Lynchbait/Stab Voter Tani: RPer Stick: A NON Goalkeeper protect of some sort And I think that's all for now. ED1T: I have one in my head @Biplet PM Spider: On Odd nights can create a single one on one PM. On Even nights can learn a random GM Fact about a player. Being trolled on odd nights results in not being able to use any PMs the next day. Being trolled on an even night results in receiving a random GM lie. Trolling: Basically reverses what the role intened to do. If a troll is trolled it makes the person they target immune to trolling for the next cycle. SE Buddy: Start knowing the allignment of a single village player. Lynchbait: If you are a lead train at the halfway mark, a random player on you will recieve an extra vote the next cycle. ONLY works on players of the same allignment. Stab Voter: If you vote a person in the first 24 hours and NEVER move your vote. Your vote will count as double. Analyst: During the night you can learn the allignment of a single player who voted on you. Or the player who you voted on. If trolled you recieve a lie instead of a truth. RPer: During the night gain the role of the targeted player. If you are trolled, they gain the RPer role for a single cycle. Goalkeeper: Can protect a single player, can't protect self. Don't think consecutive protects either. If trolled kills the player instead. Pinchhitter: Something to do with dead player role learning.
  13. The Dreamscape A harsh light flashed across Emma's eyes. "They are corrupted or killed. We can't let any of them get away." @Shining Silhouette @InfiniteInsanity
  14. We have a piece that kind of does that between 5/8 2/4 then 9/8 I think? But the pattern isn't completely constant so each measure is a different time signature.
  15. Yup! Totally! Well we sure can take the number one spot! >:D Kas should have known better than to just orangify people. Though I do believe there to be some way to remove deadish or orangified players.
  16. I meant the LG that I said Stick. Does remind me a bit of LG90 as well too, I suppose. Hmm, this reminds me of this post by Dannex:
  17. The Dreamscape "And the more that die or become corrupted add to our glorious army!" Emma waves her arms as streams of Kaos blast forth. Creating portals on the walls where they strike. Glimpses of foreign worlds stream from the portals. The armies begin to stream outwards, spreading Kaos with their every step. A singular portal opens infront of the three, cutting a view of pristine white walls and glowing lights. A fierce light kindles in Emma's eyes as her words fly from her mouth, "It's time we reclaimed our home." @InfiniteInsanity @Shining Silhouette
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