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The Wandering Wizard

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Everything posted by The Wandering Wizard

  1. Will complete the dragon summoning ritual later.
  2. Could still get more second place ties. Doesn't take much to turn a second place into a first place tie.
  3. A four way tie no longer. Shining, been getting better vibes off of him. Which pushes me towards Dannex. Feels off, but I suppose this isn't odd for V!Da[n=6]ex. Wish to pressure him more I do.
  4. The Dreamscape The pillar of light began to dim and blacken. Something snapped and the pillar flared a brilliant purple before crashing down into Emma. The bones began rumbling around her feet as she confidently snatched up the book. Striding confidently back towards Insa and Joe, Emma grinned as she held up the book triumphantly. "The book of the dead is mine once more. Rise fallen soldiers and be renewed once more!" The rumbling intensifies as the bones rattle and roll, falling together in piles of massive bones. Very quickly a army of skeletons extends ranks and ranks before Emma. The dark queen smiles, teeth bared in a wicked grin. "And lo, the world shall fall under our onslaught." @Shining Silhouette @InfiniteInsanity
  5. Yes, and jackets too! TPBM has had negative degree weather recently.
  6. The Dreamscape "We are where the Kaos energy is strongest. The altar of bones, and the tomb of the dead. The book will tell us all that we need to know." Emma rests her hand on the tomb and a stream of Light energy flows into her from the book. "We have found the first bind point. Right around this book!" Pressing her palms around the altar the Kaos energy begins to flow towards the invisible column of light. A light purple quickly begins to infest the light as it becomes visible under the strain of the attack. @Shining Silhouette @InfiniteInsanity
  7. I know that I didn't get trolled, from what Aman has been saying I don't think he got trolled into a kill. He would have claimed I think. Hopefully you will assuage my suspcions or convince me to want to murder you more. One of the two. Grief seeks to overwhelm My mind betrays it’s own I am in another realm I should have known That I was at the helm They have been thrown Away from this realm And now she is alone The voices condemn And she bemoans She trusted in them For now she owns This lowly realm The unknowns Seek to disown O, how she has grown To stand alone And to claim her throne - Imprisoned Wizard
  8. You shall have them! Just give me a second or a few minutes.
  9. Yup! And now that's part of the great IKYK of this thread. I did claim and just ended up fully claiming when Fae did. My even nights work differently than you'd think. ... Another Aman/Wiz/Mat mindmeld? XD
  10. Nothing either way. Which is a bit strange, maybe slightly positive vibes, but not much more than that.
  11. Why is everyone claiming two roles -.- Perhaps Araris has tunnel constructor? I did read it as constrictor at first.
  12. I will, though not tonight. Still writing a summary about greenhouses Nice role! And it fits with the theme so far.
  13. Any useful information to share? Any reasons at all for us not to vote on you? Any other people you feel are suspicious?
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