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The Wandering Wizard

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Everything posted by The Wandering Wizard

  1. The way I've been interpreting your words is that one of us three would recieve and extra vote on us. Conversion?
  2. You seem to be acting like one. It's not really logic and I should probably stop presenting it as such. More a gut feeling about Fae
  3. Yes and vehemently denied Lynchbait...if I get it twice I owe two PMs >> It would at least clear Fae a little bit in my eyes.
  4. Fae claimed starting with a second role called SE Buddy and it told them my allignment, supposedly. Probably can do that
  5. Would you accept a PM next odd cycle? I still wish to claim it! It could possibly clear Fae, though it wouldn't quite be a hard clear. Watch as you are lying and it hits none of us
  6. But that glory shall not men such as us attain. No, our duty is to stay for those left behind in the dust. To raise them up and to bring them hope.
  7. o.o No dead doc then. Spectators must be having fun with this. And the GMs laughing their heads off at this assumption.
  8. It is even night only. So you will know soon. It's to the flavor of being able to extract information from people in PMs, but you don't have to be in a PM with a player to target them.
  9. I thought I did? Anyways FULL FOCuS @Channelknight Fadran
  10. Those people all had negative reads of each other the previous day. At least from what I can remember. ED1T: Are you trying to repoint them back at each other?
  11. I did see Aman's claim and decided that I could be the single PM role who claimed. Mostly to let the village know that such roles actually existed and also to seem only like a PMing role. I tried to obfuscate the even night action to hide that it could be an allignment scanned but Fae let that one out of the bag so I've been clarifiying everything about my role to the best that I can. ED1T: And supposedly only to one who shares his allignment.
  12. It's a random fact and I asked a generalized question if it would be game related, such as allignment, role, who targeted who and so forth. So I could maybe learn allignment, but it's going to, at least the very least, be a game related fact.
  13. It's a day action so perhaps it can't interact with trolls? From what I know trolls only affect night actions. But then the only actions that we know that can be trolled are night actions.
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