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The Wandering Wizard

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Everything posted by The Wandering Wizard

  1. "It appears to be so. It has a certain energy to it...doesn't it? Or am I just going crazy."
  2. These roles are different. All bookwyrm has said is that he is a allignment scanned and scanned Striker as village Fae claimed SE Buddy which told them, supposedly, that I am village. PM Spider can create a single PM on odd nights and on even nights target a player to learn a single truth about them from the GM.
  3. It's pretty big Sorry about that. Basically Fae claimed PM Spider and they are village and have it, are evil and have it, or evil and have a teammate who has it. Fae also claimed SE Buddy which they say tells them that they know that I am village. Bookwyrm claimed a scanning role and claims to have scanned Striker as village or he was trolled. One of the two.
  4. It's mostly gut. They could be an elim PM Spider or they could have a teammate with that role. It would be incredibly easy to fake, I do admit. Fae however doesn't seem very gambit happy as I can easily determine the truth of the matter.
  5. Your corpsse iss ssatissfactory. What do you requesst in payment?
  6. True yes, but also the early evidence and they know the PM Spider role. I don't sense any lying in their statements so far. They are bit obvious.
  7. Anybody have skeletons in their closets for me?
  8. @The Bookwyrm @InfiniteInsanity @Shining Silhouette @Morningtide @Aes Sedai @ExoticAlmond
  9. Not permanently, but being forced to be off of it for a unknown amount of time.
  10. I mean, most people, I think, have been village reading him. I have been mostly. Anything else besides scanning people? Is it only dead people?
  11. We must summon the legion of dragons! *Begins summoning ritual*
  12. The Dreamscape "You aren't a zombie that I know of, certainly I didn't make you one. There will be plants next the first bind point. That I can sense and I can smell our destination." Quickly Emma darts to left, traveling through a damp moldly pathway. Heading downwards into the depths of the archive. The path changes to bones and skulls crunch under her feet as she rushes to the underground tomb. @InfiniteInsanity @Shining Silhouette
  13. Mercury rolled a few rotations before realizing she was concious. "Wha? What happened?"
  14. It works very similarly to reversing the ability that it is targeting. At least from what I can gather. It's how it interacts with mine, mostly. On even it give me a lie instead of a truth. And on Odd days it prevents me from using PMs the entire next cycle. Meaning if you have a death wish troll me on an odd night and claim. >:(
  15. The Dreamscape "Yes, we are close. I can feel the Kaos humming in my bones. Telling me where it is." @InfiniteInsanity @Shining Silhouette
  16. I don't know on even nights, but I do know on odd nights. Even because it would give it away if I knew it was a lie or not. I have to know on odd nights, but all I'm told is that I can't use PMs for the next cycle. So I am not informed if I am trolled. I think we both misread our posts Still think you could be the JOE disease faction from LG53
  17. I can't until tonight. That was just what I've pulled from your posts 'Ello there mister neutral.
  18. So, you aren't claiming village or elim :eyes: And I have confirmation that it would be game relevant information, but got PAFO'd about how the lies work. Which was what I figured
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