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The Wandering Wizard

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Everything posted by The Wandering Wizard

  1. Very well then. The energy blasts off through the web and strikes Mat's account sending this GM message
  2. But it's a mercy to him, as the GM is obviously evil in this case, and by voting him out is putting him out of his mercy.
  3. Nah, but you can come lynch the GM with us foolish folks! Kas Complementary VC: Kas (1): Wiz (1) Orlok (1): Stick (1) Stick (1): Kas (1) Wiz (1): Wyrm (1)
  4. That would be so much fun, though they would have to PM you to target someone...unless they do it in the thread :eyes:
  5. May I suggest a Wit roasting contest? @Shining Silhouette @Cinnamon
  6. So you saved the world by sacrificing what?!?!?! Dragons, need I say more.
  7. Youth group wiffle ball was quite fun. Tripple overtime and the ball nearly shattered.

    We were down and then we tied it and then surpassed it.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Telrao


      Oh, awesome! I love youth group. Chaotic, yes, but wonderful :P 

    3. EmulatonStromenkiin
    4. The Wandering Wizard

      The Wandering Wizard

      It could be I'm not actually sure of the spelling.


      Oh, awesome! I love youth group. Chaotic, yes, but wonderful :P 


      Ahhh church youth group shenanigans. The best kind!

      Yes! The very best shenanigans!

  8. It will be fun! And if you sign up you can tell everyone what a bad idea it was. "Come in! Come in!" Said the dark queen. "The time for Insanity has begun!"
  9. Yes, sorry I forgot about this. I had some other ones, like this character wanted the unfortunate things to happen to them.
  10. The Dreamscape "Only the information in here will contain enough for me to feel the location." Turning around Emma flowed down back towards where they started. Back towards the starlight pathway. Her attire shifting as her emotions fluctuated. @InfiniteInsanity @Shining Silhouette
  11. It was crazy what she had done, but she had to protect Kaeni and the one who had protected her. Raising her palms upwards she began draining her own lifeforce at an alarming rate. Crackling lightning danced around her palms as her strength flew from her. Mercury slammed down onto one knee as she lost the ability to stand. Her lightning began crackling into a small circular disk above them, slowly her heart beat slowed, and slowly the lightning set down.
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