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The Wandering Wizard

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Everything posted by The Wandering Wizard

  1. They are sapient in the Wizard of Earthsea and the Merlin book series.
  2. It is yours. I already have one dragon bonded to me.
  3. The time has begun. BEGIN THE SUMMONING RITUAL! *A nearby tombstone begins to glow with eerie light* @Channelknight Fadran @Shining Silhouette @UnfortunatelyNamed @CalanoCorvus @Random Bystander @InfiniteInsanity @Ranryu @Telrao @Cinnamon @Thaidakar the Ghostblood @Szeth's Facepalm @Szeth_Pancakes @Being of Cacophony @Aes Sedai @Frustration @Knight of Iron @HOID WANTS INSTANT NOODLES @Ookla the Stranger @DramaQueen @PyroPhile @2EmLee2 @Enter a username @Matrim's Dice @The Aspiring Archivist @That1Cellist @DoomslugLuna @Rabbit Unmade @The Halcyon Girl @Shadowed @Everyone
  4. The Dreamscape The skull begins to glow, a purplish-black light pulsing from inside. The color of the Kaos. "I...It's showing me the past." A wrinkle creases inbetween Emma's eyebrows. "I don't recognize it though." @InfiniteInsanity
  5. The Dreamscape The room was massive, shelves lined with books. A wealth of knowledge was stored within the shelves. What drew Emma's attention was that table and the chair in the center of the room. A rich mahogony table with intricate inlays sat in the center of the room. Occupying the space behind it was a massive, royal purple, arm chair. What truely drew Emma's attention was the crystaline dragon skull on the table. It had a magnetic power, drawing her forward, until her hand rested ontop of it. @InfiniteInsanity
  6. He was talking about summoning more people since Queen can only summon two for some reason.
  7. Sorry 'bout that. The thread has a possessive mindset, that when you lose, you must summon others.
  8. Summon more people I will. @Shining Silhouette @InfiniteInsanity @Ranryu @That1Cellist @CalanoCorvus @The last Fae in the Woods @DoomslugLuna @UnfortunatelyNamed
  9. "Sso we now have two adventuress. Good! Ssoon we sshall ssolve thiss mysstery." Pythor cranes his head at Leonard, tongue flickering, tasting the air for fear. "Do you know where thiss sscroll liess in here?" @Shining Silhouette @ExoticAlmond
  10. I'm afraid then, that Rubix now owns your soul. Do you like mafia(the game)?
  11. Hmmm, did you yodel with a shoe on your head? Welcome to the shard by the way!
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