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The Wandering Wizard

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Everything posted by The Wandering Wizard

  1. Clinic: Lobby Wizard continued walking forward, his light already begining to fade. "It is what I must do. In time you will understand. In time." His form fades from the clinic, returning the waiting place. @CalanoCorvus The Dreamscape Insa's laughter proves contagious and Emma bursts into peals of laughter, a grin spliting her face. Shakily she manages to stand up, laughter still pouring out of her. @InfiniteInsanity @The Bookwyrm
  2. Winning here is never permanent, as long as this thread is open.
  3. I'm not one either Though I know that science has so far proven that there is no multitasking.
  4. I do both Though I am of the mind that there is no true multitasking. You can switch really fast from doing one thing to another, but you end up tuning something out. So I love to listen to books whlie doing chores, because most are pretty mindless and don't require much thought.
  5. Clinic: Lobby Wizard closed his eyes, internally he trembled. For he knew of what was going to come, the pain that the others would experience before it was over. "It is the past, and history repeats itself. I learned it when I became an avatar." The bile burbled in his throat and hastily Wizard shoved it down. They could not know anymore, it would be the end of free will if they knew what was going to happen. He had seen it. Springing to his feet, the tiger begins pacing around the fountain. There was but one thing left for him to do. A part of himself gnawed on his thoughts, preying on his weaknesses. If he was going to be dead soon, it would be a release. And then no problems would he have to face anymore. That guilt began to worm itself into his mind. Turning to Calano, Wizard utters what he knows must be dreaded words to the others. "I must leave." @CalanoCorvus The Dreamscape Emma giggled as she continued racing forward. Then she too found a door with her face. @InfiniteInsanity
  6. Probably only been about a year Still long enough to forget parts of the song. Too hard to forget parts of the movie.
  7. Yeah, I thought that it was. Been too long since I've listened to it/watched the movie.
  8. ♪ I see what's happen here! You're faced to face with greatness and it's strange. Breathe it in! ♪
  9. Roughly what you said, though it comes out differently than when I put it in. Because I don't ever remember learning the phrase for fascinating. Google translate works, though I remember a few phrases.
  10. If you consider yourself a god then Emma would have to kill you for being connected to the light. Which is what is happening anyways but I probably shouldn't have brought that here. Welcome to our insanity!....Again!
  11. They are other spider hunters, and basically aren't ever in danger when hunting them. Only if they have them in their jaws. @Shining Silhouette
  12. I too am cold, though of a different kind. Look up Pelican Spiders, very interesting. @Shining Silhouette
  13. How are you doing this fine night? @Shining Silhouette
  14. It didn't work sadly, cool power as it would have been. :eyes:
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