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The Wandering Wizard

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Everything posted by The Wandering Wizard

  1. You have it right, but you have to pul color=red Or color=o1ccff And end it with /color Hope this doesn't disappear. DON'T FORGET BRACKETS ON THE ENDS! Very important, and mine don't have them to show you @NerdyAarakocra
  2. Ngl Kas looks pretty bad here. Can't remember why, just that he does. Having a hard time not bursting out in laughter when I see early votes like this.
  3. You ping them but not me It is quite heavy and my mind wonders two things, do you always just replace C's with K's Chaos = Kaos. Clan = Klan. And what happens to Cyrus now? Where does he go, how does he fit back in, does he ever fit back in?
  4. I'll just go post the scene of Emma murdering Calano now For legal reasons this is a joke.
  5. Welcome to the shard! Do you have a favorite book? Do you like mafia(the game)?
  6. The Dreamscape Emma grinned as the air began to pulse with power. Darkness trickles from her fingers, infecting the hallway, being pulled in a direction. Dashing after Insa, Emma glories in the rushing wind in her face. The short contest is a thrill and a welcome rest from her burdens. @InfiniteInsanity
  7. How to work making summonings colorful and other things. Like see @InfiniteInsanity
  8. "It is a long story, so I'll shorten what I can." Annimus began with the ritualistic throat clearing. "Virbu, Carn, Yimll, and Ysill are the cause of it all. Though it was not intentional. For in the beginning there was only gods and humans." @Channelknight Fadran @xinoehp512
  9. Clinic: Lobby Wizard shrugged, his shoulders rolling. "I have no idea how, but that it did work and that it is true." The Dreamscape "Do you want to go check it out?"
  10. Have you gotten to work on the other story yet?
  11. Wizard looked solemly over Silhouette, his tone serious. "A very powerful weapon you have chosen. Very powerful indeed."
  12. The Dreamscape "There is something down this hallway. Can you feel it?" @InfiniteInsanity @Shining Silhouette Clinic: Lobby "It is never hopeless. They managed to make it. Else, as Calano saw, how would we all be here?" Wizard's tail begins to twitch as he continues the story. "Kaos blasted on in the chest and instead of dying it began to bleed black instead. The first corrupted was born. Slightly distracted by this, Kaos failed to notice one of the gods of light hiding against the wall. Its pale skin having lost almost all luminescence and it was nearly dead. The corruption continued and the rest of the gods of light were forced out or turned. Kaos and his troops marched outside, continuing the pressure against them. And then, and then there was only one left. All alone, left to contemplate the failure of his once great plan. A way to create life that couldn't be destroyed. The last god of light fell to his knees, on the spot, crying. There was no hope left for the light, the dark was stronger. It had always been stronger. And then he ascended, becoming only known as the Creator. His original name has been lost to time, but as the Creator, he was able to create. He bound Kaos and with him the darkness. He then created all, anything at all that can breath, move, and think. Owes it's life to the Creator, who bound the Kaos so that they might be able to live." @Telrao @CalanoCorvus @Shadowed @Thaidakar the Ghostblood
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