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The Wandering Wizard

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Everything posted by The Wandering Wizard

  1. "They are the beings of which our legends speak of. They are the ones who shaped us and made us who we are." @Channelknight Fadran @xinoehp512
  2. Emma was originally bonded to an entity called the nethergrim who had offered to help, but instead took over her and became the entity known as The Speakk who was trapped in the clinc's basement. There were no major villans before that, Nameless went insane a few times, but not really any villans. After the defeat of The Speakk, there was an invasion of chickens. They killed Wizard as he sacrificed himself to save Calano, swallowing a chicken with a glowing knife, killing it and himself in the process. Emma and Calano leave the clinic to discover if the Scourage is really over, which is what forced them into the clinical dimension in the first place. During this time the chickens come back, and work for a man named Lark who is the temporary leader of the clinic. They are defeated but Calano is killed. Eventually he is restored to life and Emma realizes that Wizard is actually the white tiger guardian, meaning he came back to life as the next guardian. Some people leave for the tower of ghenji and there appears a new villian that only torments them, called Malum, who manipulates people's connections. Calano gets married to Emma and learns that she was the cause of the scourage, because the Kaos was coming through and reanimating bones to cause havoc and to force her to give in. This leads to a memory resurfacing of Calano's sister who sacrificed herself to prevent the Kaos from coming through Emma. Skip a bit more and Emma eventually gives in because the Kaos was corrupting her when she wasn't using her powers through excess buildup, but by using them she corrupted herself until the pounding of the Kaos was too much and she was corrupted. Currently she has corrupted three people and indirectly a fourth. Currently her goal is to free the Kaos by shattering the bind points that are keeping it imprisoned.
  3. The Clinic Wizard made a grunt. "You're not the first person to realize that. Now where was I in the story, hmmm." @Shadowed @CalanoCorvus @Thaidakar the Ghostblood Ravelast Gateway "When you touch the stone pillar and enter the archive. There will be many plants to kill in there." Emma lays down near the stone slowly drifting off. Her eyes snap shut and she wakes in the dreamscape. @InfiniteInsanity @Shining Silhouette
  4. The Clinic By the forgotten gods NOT ANOTHER ONE! Growling slightly Wizard bends down and lightly licks Matra's forehead, granting her a temporary power to push back the darkness. A pawprint blazes to life, emblazoned on her forehead. Exhausted Wizard sits back on his haunches, leaning against the wall to prevent himself from collapsing. Croaking words creep out, "there...you now will have some relief from you affliction. But...it is temporary only." @Shadowed
  5. Ravelast Gateway Emma nodded, "yes, though our protections will be strong. Strong enough that no one will be able to mess with our bodies while we are inside." @Shining Silhouette @InfiniteInsanity Clinic: Lobby "This is important because history repeats itself. And this is the history of the world." @CalanoCorvus
  6. Yes, though it's not quite a thinking entity. The first avatar who was called Kaos harnessed the power of the darkness by making a deal to prevent the light from creating anything. So I might end up pulling Kaos the avatar out of my bag of villans because I've name dropped them a few times. Or they might just be the personality of the god attached to the Kaos. Not quite certain what I am going to do yet, still working on the actual backstory for the creation.
  7. A weak smile traces Annimus's face. "Rocks. That's what they drop on us when we try to come near. They just fly up out of our range and drop rocks til our armor shatters." Annimus sighed, "which of course led to the legend of Golem. The one who defeated a golem and drained it, creating the first golem armor and chucked the rocks back at the dragon. It just seems that the same legends spread through out all people, just fantastical enough to make them seem real." @xinoehp512 @Channelknight Fadran
  8. Ravelast Gateway "There is an Archive right here, and they should have a map of the universe. I know how to find the first planet if we can get there." @InfiniteInsanity @The Bookwyrm @Shining Silhouette
  9. Yes she is. Currently trying to free the Kaos which is a being which makes bonds with people in exchange for power, and a few rare individuals that are born with a connection to it, it can make them its avatar. Which it did to Emma and she can corrupt others to it, which the corruption works similar to the wheel of time corruption. Any light or anything that they had before is replaced by Kaos and a desire to serve it. Corruption is permanent and can't be fixed, at least it can't be right now. It could possibly be in the future, but that's only a possibility. Fellowship of the thing. Pythor is a possessive kind of reptillian spirit who can possess reptiles, ejecting the other soul and replacing it with his. He has control over the body and can make it grow in certain ways, there are limits to how large he can make it grow without food. Any magical creatures or people that he eats and dissolves. He steals their power and can make it his own.
  10. Ravelast Gateway Emma stood up. "It's time that we started planning. You two will be my generals and our first objective from the Kaos is to destroy the bind points holding it captive." @Shining Silhouette @InfiniteInsanity Clinic: Lobby Wizard's kindly eyes looked over Telrao, in his eyes reflected his decision. "Hold still, little one, there is one thing that I can do for you." Wizard laid down infront of Telrao, coming down to her level. His nose touched Telrao's nose and a bright light transfered between them. The bond between Telrao and Emma, was replaced by one, through Wizard, to the cat god of light. "You will be the next guardian little one. It was the only way to save you from corruption." @Telrao
  11. Ravelast: Sixth Archive Gateway Emma looked puzzled, "you are corrupted. The same as me, that creates a bond between us akin to sisters, does it not?" @InfiniteInsanity Clinic: Lobby "The date is lost to history and they never used time back then. It had yet to be created, but they felt drawn to come together at a specific point."
  12. Ravelast: Sixth Archive Gateway Emma was waiting, the cut on her cheek having shrunken into a small scar and she now radiated an aura of peace and comfort. Smiling Emma welcomed Insa, "Welcome home sister." @InfiniteInsanity
  13. Insa's Mind The power turns into a storm of jagged lightning. It seems to look back at her and it jumps into her eyes. The corruption process was complete. @InfiniteInsanity Clinic: Lobby "You will listen young cub, this is important and will be the key you need." Settling down Wizard begins to tell his story. "In the beginning there was nothing. Nothing but the darkness and the Legion of light. Each individual spirit tried to make something by its self. But the darkness was too strong and each attempt was quickly unraveled. And it was deemed impossible to create. During their yearly meeting, one spirit had an ambitious idea. 'What if we all combined together, like the darkness has?' Would the young spirit's plan even work? Most laughed the young spirit to scorn, but a small handful were willing to try. So combined the willing spirits into the first god. It had power, enough to create and sustain life for a little while, but the darkness was still too strong. Gradually over the process of many Eons the first god convinced the others, who had all combined into their own gods at that time, to come meet again. 'We must combine together to become more powerful if life is to be sustained!' All of the other gods agreed, except one. And so a date was set for their combination, because they knew that the time was not yet right. But soon, it would be time, so very soon." @CalanoCorvus @Thaidakar the Ghostblood @The Bookwyrm @Shadowed @Telrao @UnfortunatelyNamed @Aes Sedai
  14. "Hmmm, so the more of the material you have the better it is? For my race, the more magical a creature we consume the more abilities our armor can have besides the base enhancements from being a humanoid of that magical creature." Annimus sighed, "I've hear the legends. All my people have heard the legends of those who managed to defeat a dragon and turn it's life force into armor. I've never been able to catch a magical creature really, nothing more than the occasional magical cat."
  15. The pride war series by Matt Laney definitely has religious themes.
  16. I have a character who turned irrevocably dark recently and I just created a anti-hero. So I am kind of turning towards more anti-heros. It kind of depends, if there is no main villian I sometimes fill the role. Though I normally won't create another character that is evil. I'll either start with one being an anti-hero or turn one into a villian. Through a corrupting force of some kind. I think that is changing now. With Villians I have a plan that could work to defeat them, and I give others a rough guide on how to defeat them. But depending on what they do and my villianous character does. It can change how things work out. It's been really fun to write Emma and her arc, transformation, and her inability to keep the darkness out anymore. And Pythor is going to be interesting when he gets near main plotlines and what he does.
  17. Clinic: Lobby Wizard's tail slaps across Calano's face. He appears infront of Calano while he's reeling, his face right up infront of Calano. "DON'T YOU THINK IT PAINS ME TO KNOW THAT MY TWIN IS GONE! QUITE POSSIBLY FOREVER! YOUR PAIN IS GREATER, I GET THAT, BUT FOR THE LIGHT PULL IT TOGETHER MAN. IF YOU WANT TO HAVE ANY CHANCE OF GETTING HER BACK OTHER THAN ALLOWING YOURSELF TO BE CORRUPTED AND DOOMING THIS WORLD FOREVER, YOU WILL LISTEN!" @CalanoCorvus Insa's mind The darkness appears infront of her, comforting inviting. Asking to be touched, to be allowed form and to be let inside. @InfiniteInsanity
  18. Clinic: Lobby Padding over in his tiger form, Wizard goes and sits ontop of Calano. His tail twitching in Calano's face. "Calm down young one, there is a work yet to do! And a story that I must tell you all." @CalanoCorvus @Thaidakar the Ghostblood @Aes Sedai @UnfortunatelyNamed @The Bookwyrm @Shadowed @Telrao(That's all right?)
  19. "It's the armor that I have on right now. It's part of skin, forged from the escence of an animal. Does your armor bestow certain attributes like how mine bestows animal attributes?"
  20. Ravelast: Sixth Archive Gateway Emma casually drops her shield and blasts Joe in the chest with a bolt of corruption, flinging him backwards. Wizard's sword flicks up in that instant and nicks her cheek. A small trickle of blood freely runs from it. Emma disengages from Wizard and he allows her to retreat a few paces. He himself retreats towards those unconcious on the ground, grabs them, yanks Bookwyrm by his collar and teleports back to the clinic. @The Bookwyrm @UnfortunatelyNamed @Aes Sedai @Shining Silhouette
  21. "The rest of you all leave now while you can!" Wizard continues to meet Emma blow for blow. His instincts reacting as fast as hers, negating any advantage either had. The words will come next, it's always been her way. "They will all die you know. Corruption or death." Wizard stands solidly, Emma's strokes rebounding against his. "That is not the truth, that is the lie of the Kaos. You can not kill us permanently, we will always live on. In story and word, our tales against you will live. Never forgotten, never." She growls in response, returning all of her focus to her deadly strokes. She is quite good, and has improved. I'll give her that, though quite a bit of that comes from breaking laws through the Kaos. Steady, steady. It's almost time to sheath the sword. @The Bookwyrm @Aes Sedai @UnfortunatelyNamed @Shining Silhouette
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