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The Wandering Wizard

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Posts posted by The Wandering Wizard

  1. 3 minutes ago, Ookla the Believer said:

    He smiled. "That isn't a very proper introduction, Charlotte."

    "I've had enough protocol and propriety to last me a lifetime," she spat, fire blazing in her eyes.

    2 minutes ago, Ookla the Abstract said:



    I mean she can't summon anything right now. 


  2. Just now, Ookla the Abstract said:



    It is all one, it's related to her wanting to be a knight. 

    Just now, Ookla the Believer said:

    He stepped back into the room. "Charlotte, is it?"

    A confirmatory growl came from up above and a warning cup flew above his head.

  3. Just now, Ookla the Believer said:

    He ducked. "If this is typical, I'm sure a life with her will be...energizing."



    Yes minor magic but it grows stronger as the star comes closer to crashing into the earth.

    She has like some enhanced strength and can summon a sword, and possibly do other things as her strength increases. 

    So he can be magical too in someway :)

    Her voice came from high up in her room. "Don't think you'll be able to catch me. No one has been able to yet."

    "Yes and what a pity it is," murmured her sister.

    A cup promptly flew towards her and she neatly sidestepped it.

  4. 2 minutes ago, Ookla the Believer said:

    He stepped in in two tiny steps. "Hello there, dear."

    A shield came flying out of the room and slammed him into the hallway.

    The young woman outside burst out laughing, "heehee typical Charlotte."

  5. Just now, Ookla the Believer said:

    Hee hee I shall live in terror of your black writing cat :) 

    He'll eat your hair :P

    Just now, Ookla the Believer said:

    THANK YOU!! I...GENUINELY DON'T KNOW, BUT I'M SO EXCITED TO WRITE THIS WHOLE THING (hehe all the character arcs are so fun...and tomorrow I'll hopefully write some epic Ien/Mari romance...)


  6. 2 minutes ago, Ookla the Believer said:

    A slow smile curled up his lips. "Sounds like the sort of girl I wouldn't mind catching."

    The young woman shyly smiled at him and thrust her palm into the door, blasting it open.

    "Well in you go then!"

  7. 19 minutes ago, Ookla the Believer said:

    Hiiiii, *hugs all of you back*

    Liz was yelling at me today so I wrote more about her! (If I don't post a sad scene about Ien and Mari tomorrow, someone poke me with a writing stick.)

      Hide contents

    Ien was curled in the corner of his cell. He whimpered softly. It was so cold. So cold. And dark. When had he last seen the sun? When had he last been warm? He shivered. She would come back soon. With her cruel eyes and her glowing hair and her viscous hands. It was his fault. He knew that. If he’d been braver. Stronger. If he hadn’t let her be taken all those years ago.

    He shuddered at the flood of memories. He’d been so afraid. There had been so many of them. And he’d…he’d run. That was the last time he’d seen Liz as he knew her…

    Oh, stars.


    She and Siylna had been his best friends.

    They had stood by him through everything. 

    Every time he made a mistake, they’d been there, gently correcting him. They had made the Academy not just bearable, but a joy. They’d given meaning to his pointless life. 

    And then…

    He’d let them take her. 

    He didn’t know what had been done to her. 

    But whatever it was, it had destroyed his friend, shattered her heart and replaced it with stone. And anger. Liz had always had a temper, but now she was cool, furious but controlled. 

    Guilt gnawed at Ien, cut at him deeper than her knives ever could, chained him tighter than the bands around his wrists. 

    Mari was in the cell next to him. She opened her mouth as if to say something, then froze, flinching at a familiar sound. Ien flinched too. Every prisoner in the dungeon probably did. 

    The cool click of heeled shoes on wet stone. Only one person wore shoes like that into this place. Every footstep filled Ien with more dread.

    She might not be coming for him. She didn’t always come for him…

    The footsteps got closer.


    Liz rounded the corner. It hurt her to see Ien like this, but it excited her too. It was working. Stars and spirits, but it was actually working. He was becoming…her champion. Her hero.  And today was an important day, even if he didn’t know it. But he probably did. After all, she hadn’t brought her knives.

    “Hello, Ien,” she said, smiling.

    “Liz,” he replied, closing his eyes.

    “And how are you today?”

    He looked up at her. She could imagine the thoughts going through his mind. How dare I do this to him. How dare I cause him this pain and then come pretend to care. And, most of all, how dare he let me become this. Poor boy. If he knew…if he knew how much I really do care. “I’m sorry,” he finally said. “I’m sorry for what you’ve become. And I’m sorry that I didn’t stop it.”

    Liz laughed. “I’m not. I’m so much better now than I ever was then. Look around, Ien. I’m a queen.” He looked up at her. His eyes were so large. They made him look younger than he was. She let her eyes soften, let the glow of her magic fade until she was no longer the Lady of Darkness, she was just…Liz. She smiled kindly.


    Ien knew that smile well. Oh, stars but he knew it. He’d seen it every day for years…

    “I have an idea,” Liz said, the same way she always did before suggesting something absurd and exciting, like putting frogs in a Master’s shoes. 

    Ien closed his eyes.

    “Look at me,” she said sharply, and he snapped his head up, flinching and expecting knives. There were none. Liz was just standing there. “I…” her voice cracked. Ien ached to make it all better, to make her stop hurting…stop it! This isn’t your friend, this is a monster. 

    “I miss you,” she whispered, so softly Ien almost thought he’d imagined it.

    Without realizing it, Ien whimpered. He clenched his teeth. 

    “We could have it all back,” she said, looking at him not with the dark eyes of the monster he’d come to know but with…with Liz’s bright, hopeful gaze. The eyes of a dreamer, he’d always called them. He wanted to run to her, wanted to so badly, but…

    He saw movement out of the corner of his eye. Mari. Stars and spirits, Mari. She was pressed against the back of her cell, curling in on herself as much as she could, trying desperately to stay as far from Liz as possible. She looked so afraid. Ien looked up, into Liz’s pleading eyes, into the face of someone who had once been his friend. That person was dead now. Liz…Liz was gone. The person in front of him had hurt so many people, caused so much pain…no matter how much he longed for a past that could never again be, Ien couldn’t join someone so full of hate.

    “Go away,” he hissed. “Leave.” He braced himself for her anger, for the force of her magic against him…but it didn’t come.


    Liz dropped her head. It wasn’t hard to force the tears to her eyes. Some tiny part of her really did miss Ien, though most of her was nearly ecstatic. He said no. He said no, he said no! He knows his lines without even being told his part…oh, spirits. I can’t afford to fall in love with him. “Please,” she whispered. “Please, Ien. It’s so lonely without you. We always said we’d rule the world, well, now’s our chance. Come with me.”


    “You’re insane,” Ien growled. “I don’t want that, and I never have. I won’t join you, not even if you force me to say the words.” It hurt to say it, hurt so badly. I’m sorry, Lizzy, he thought, a prayer to the ghost of a friend who had died because of his weakness. I’m sorry I ran. I’m sorry I let them make you into…into this. 

    Mari was still trembling, and now Liz saw it too. She whirled on the girl. “You! You’re the one filling his head with these lies, turning him on me…” she started to glow, to hover, her eyes burning with hatred. “I’ll kill you.”

    Before he even realized it, Ien was on his feet. His legs weren’t shaky any longer, and in a moment he was at the bars of his cell. “Don’t touch her,” he shouted. “She doesn’t have anything to do with this.”

    Liz turned back to him. “Make me,” she snarled. “Oh, but you won’t. When the ones you care about are in danger, you run and let us suffer. You are a coward, Iendenn Marsvell.”

    Coward. The word burned in Ien’s chest. Coward. Coward…he let out a roar, and a blast of white light flew out of him, knocking Liz back against the wall. “You will not touch her,” he repeated, trying not to look shocked. Where had…where had that come from? He’d never been very skilled with magic, never…

    Liz blinked. “How did you…”

    “Leave,” Ien said. “And stay away, or I’ll do worse.” To his surprise, it worked.

    “Keep the wretch,” Liz muttered, turning and walking out. The click of her footsteps grew steadily quieter until finally, Ien heard the door slam. He fell to the floor, groaning, and vomited. What was that?

    Mari rushed to the thin bars between their cells. “Thank you,” she whispered, tears starting to fall. “Thank you, thank you, I’m so sorry, oh, Ien, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to…thank you, thank you.”

    He nodded, forcing his eyes open. “It’s okay,” he said, coughing. “I’ll be okay. As long as you're here, I'll be okay.”


    As soon as the door shut, Liz laughed. Long enough that it almost felt like a cackle. “Oh, Ien,” she murmured fondly. “Oh, you blessed hero.” This moment had been crucial, and it had played out perfectly. She’d been working towards his new magic for months now. Every time she cut him, she sent strands of her magic into his blood, gifting it to him freely. She’d had to work slowly; too quickly and he’d notice, or it would destroy him rather than becoming a part of him. He’d have to work to control it, of course, but such a tool would give him just the power he needed to bring her down. 

    Liz’s smile turned pained, then. His love for the girl was so strong. She’d wanted it, she’d done it on purpose, she knew he needed Mari to become what she needed him to be, but…stars. Stars and spirits. She hadn’t expected it to hurt so badly. Seeing him jump up the second she threatened Mari hurt worse than a dagger to the heart. 


    Why did it hurt?

    Liz sifted through her thoughts slowly, and then she understood.

    It hurt because she wanted it.

    It hurt because she wanted him to jump up to save her. Because she wanted to be the girl that Ien would do anything to protect. 

    It was a stupid thought, and she chastised herself for it.

    But the longing didn’t leave. 

    She…she didn’t want to be the villain. This was her role, her part, but it wasn’t the one she wanted. She would rather play weak if it meant she got to be his lover. She would lose this bet just to be with him.


    No I won’t.

    Liz took a breath, and kept walking. It wouldn’t be long, now, before Ien would escape and imprison her. She had things to prepare before then...he would hurt so much more before this was over.


    Don't worry I'll do you one better. I'll set my black writing cat on you :)



  8. 27 minutes ago, Ookla the Believer said:

    "No need," he said. "I can wait until she's ready to come out." He winked at her.

    She sighed, "I'm afraid you don't understand. Which is a-okay as you're not from around here." She winked back at him.

    "She'll go and camp out in the woods for weeks never coming back unless we catch her."

  9. 9 minutes ago, Ookla the Abstract said:

    Julie sat down, not late this time, to class. After the awkward way she had left last night, she wasn't sure whether or not she wanted to see Daniel here again.

    @Ookla the Raveness


    Uh magical studies. Kinda like a place where you just practice your magic and study it. She lets her students choose their projects and stuff and helps where she can.


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