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The Wandering Wizard

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Everything posted by The Wandering Wizard

  1. Mercury was ready, the blades whirred up to a deadly hum and a deafening crack of thunder rolled from her blades. A pure white, blazing bolt raced towards the star and struck it. @Channelknight Fadran @The Bookwyrm
  2. As Mercury climbed another crazy idea occured to her and she yells to Avi over the raging winds. "Avi what would happen if I struck on of your orbs with really powerful lightning when it was close to the Wyvern?"
  3. If a cat walks over your keyboard, how itchy is your nose?
  4. "Leonard, meet Ghesst. Ghesst, meet Leonard. The newesst convert to your ssandwitch cu-team of weird explorerss." @Shining Silhouette
  5. Pythor's tail slapped against the ground. "To determine if the ssand witchess make ssandwitches or if they are ssandwitchess which ssand!"
  6. "If you help uss in our quest to find the map to the cave of ssand witchess that make ssandwichess. Then sshall I let bygoness by bygoness."
  7. "My sscaless are hard. Harder than you can know, and I will never die. Thiss body only has a temporary usse, it will eventually fail me and I will have to sstart again. By possssessssing another reptile and creating another reptilian sspirit."
  8. "Sso how DID you manage drive Hoid Inssane?" "Hissing in rhyme, iss it a crime?"
  9. "How was your home destroyed, Anikel? What power could cause such disaster?" @xinoehp512 @Channelknight Fadran
  10. "Becausse that iss what I am. Why sshould I not conssume you now?" His tongue flicked in and out, testing and tasting the air around Ghest.
  11. Pythor's neck stretched down a single drop of venom splattering on the pages. "What iss thiss? A sstrange book. Ssomething I've never sseen before."
  12. Ravelast woods The Raven grinned at the Swallow. Want to race to be the first one to corrupt a new person? Here's where they are at. The Raven sent the location to the Swallow through the Kaos, transmitting the location to her brain. The Raven cocked her head, Or you could just smell them. They smell pretty bad. @CalanoCorvus
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