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The Wandering Wizard

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Everything posted by The Wandering Wizard

  1. Mercury lines up her swords, preparing to discharge a massive blast. A blast so powerful it would have drained all her energy in her earlier years. Now it would just always drain half of her energy, becoming half as weak each time she discharged it. It took time to build up such power, luckily her target was stationary. Slowing her breathing her swords almost seem to draw a pattern as they seek their target. The energy builds to a deadly hum and the blast screams away towards the star. @The Bookwyrm
  2. "I am a ssnake that growss in ssize and power by eating thingss and I then gain their power. What elsse would I do when confronted by ssomething ssmaller than me?"
  3. Ravelast woods A massive black raven looks down on Layra from atop a nearby tree. A voice calls to Layra, a melodic, rich, feminine voice. Transform, call upon the powers you have been granted by the Kaos. Travel with me, quickly now! @CalanoCorvus
  4. "Sso that iss the most foul demon I have ever sseen. A pizza rick rolling baby. I wonder how it would tasste and what powerss I would gain from consuming it."
  5. "Fly you fool! FLY!" Pythor continued straight ahead and quickly dodged to the left. Trying to confuse what ever was behind them.
  6. "Sso where do you think the sscroll would be? It'ss not like we can do anything elsse." Right on que, a ominous growling appeared to their left. "Sslither away!" Screamed Pythor as he slithered away, heading straight forward, towards the center of the building.
  7. The largest difference between the normal call to adventure and the stormlight one is that almost all of the final fate cards are different radiant orders. It has some amazing art and I loved the original call to adventure and the stormlight one is just as fun. I think you can also work together in an alternate mode to fight a harder enemy. I know the base call to adventure has this, but I don't know if the stormlight one has that function. I would think so though since it is the exact same principle as call to adventure.
  8. The Corrupted Dreamscape "Yes it is quite a lot. And without the Kaos being awake I can't gift you any more than I have." Turning around Emma jabs her finger at the wall and power rushes through her veins. A midnight bolt blasts the wall and a equally dark midnight black portal opens. "Into there we can go. I know where they were before and so it should be easy to find them again." Grinning at Layra, Emma dives through the portal. It felt good to use her birthright as it should be. The power still rushed through her veins giving her the heady sensation of being ontop of the world. Nothing and no one could stop her now. Not even her husband, for soon she would corrupt him and he would be hers again, instead of a traitor. @CalanoCorvus
  9. The Corrupted Dreamscape. The power arched it's back rather catlike and it transformed into a pure Kaos black cat. The cat looked into Layra's eyes and then it jumped. Soaring into Layra's eyes. Suddenly Emma awoke, the corruption process was finally complete and she had her friend back. Finally, it had taken so long, but now she had her one true friend back. @CalanoCorvus
  10. Wait til you get the second book, it's even better and that is all I will say
  11. You serve Austere, I think. It's what ever place shuns color and Hallendren. So now you think that I am an abomination
  12. Welcome to the shard! You have a very cool profile picture!
  13. Jason's Dreamscape The Corrupted Dreamscape Emma grimaced as the waves hit the protections. It was of no matter, this dimension was now fully corrupted. The defenses were set and so were more than a few traps. The being didn't understand why, but Emma did. She remembered the craftiness of Calano and his group. Preventing her from experiencing this pure joy, this unfiltered power. Preventing her from becoming who she really was. Emma spread herself out on the floor, her eyes slowly closing as she drifted of to sleep. Only two things would wake her, actually three: Layra waking, intruders entering the dreamscape, or the Kaos's call. @CalanoCorvus
  14. Jason's Dreamscape Emma removed herself from beside Layra's side and kneeling on the floor she slammed her hands into the floor. Waves of pure Kaos roll off of Emma, the undiluted taint stank to those uninitiated to the Kaos. Emma smiled a wolf's grin. The Kaos smelled wonderful today, and it was time for others to experience the taint and the pure ecstasy that came from being corrupted. The Dreamscape shook and shivered as the taint seeped into it. The waves raced out of the house and growing as they sped up. Crashing through the strees and embracing all in comforting corruption. @CalanoCorvus
  15. I don't know really how to act around large groups of people. If I don't know a person, I am uncomfortable around them til I get to know them. People are spontaneous and weird and hardly seem to make sense. I don't know how to really act around people. I find myself molding to the group if it is a group of friends or I don't and I feel left out and alone. I don't quite know how to describe it either Cellist, but I know the feeling that you are trying to describe. And it is hard to describe and to deal with. Hard to live with always feeling alone when not with family or friends.
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