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The Wandering Wizard

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Everything posted by The Wandering Wizard

  1. *Hugs* That sounds terrible, I only know what a few of those things feel like. But to have them all together must be really rough. I can't know all of your pain, but I am here to let you know that you aren't alone.
  2. Jason's Dreamscape The bolt halts infront of Emma and she sidesteps it, letting it slam into the wall behind her. Turning around she reenters the house and waits by Layra's side for her to wake up. @CalanoCorvus
  3. Mercury echoed Kaeni. "Yeah, we're not going down." Her swords glimmer with lightning and the air crackles with it.
  4. It will corrupt the one you shoot to the Kaos. They will become mine, but they will fight for you. They will do anything you wish of them, including kill their friends. Use this and prove you can be a profitable servant without being turned. @The Aspiring Archivist
  5. Are you certain about that? When people have each other to lean on they can resist even the deepest abysses. Usually. I will let you try, but if you can't I will remove you, one way or another. I can give you a gift if you wish. A one time use bolt of corruption. @The Aspiring Archivist
  6. "Yes, yes I do." And in that moment something changed, something shifted. Annimus wanted to help these people that were lost like him. He couldn't go back to the forest anyways anymore. It was time his life had a purpose again, instead of being a sentinel. "I will help you, after all. I have no where to go."
  7. Jason's Dreamscape True, I can see that. But how would you like to see TAAron kill Haly as she tries to stop him but she can't? Because they will never harm each other. Not unless they are turned. Agree or be destroyed. @The Aspiring Archivist
  8. Are you certain? Your memories say otherwise. They will resist you. I can give you greater power to manipulate connections. You desire to ruin them, do you not? I can help you corrupt TAAron. @The Aspiring Archivist
  9. Emma teleported behind the man and she sent a tendril of darkness through his ear and into his brain. Ah, so that's who you are. Another being of destruction, of a sort. I could give you the power to do what you want. The power to destroy them. @The Aspiring Archivist
  10. Jason's Dreamscape "I was lost the moment I was born." Turning towards the watching strange Emma glides over to him. Icily she asks, "why are you here? Leave before I stop tolerating your presence." @The Aspiring Archivist
  11. Jason's Dreamscape "Ah, the crowling. He will bend and serve or be destroyed. Either way really he will be destroyed." @CalanoCorvus
  12. Jason's Dreamscape In the distance Emma saw a person who looked too haughty for a normal person, a god. It was time to stretch forth her power and show why she should be feared. @The Aspiring Archivist
  13. Jason's Dreamscape Emma hissed in displeasure, looking down at Layra. "Soon you will be in the service of the great Kaos and you will help spread what you sought to prevent." @CalanoCorvus
  14. Jason's Dreamscape A bolt of blackness blasted from Emma's finger tips towards Insa. Heading straight for her heart. @InfiniteInsanity
  15. Jason's Dreamscape Another violet dome pops up around the three of them and the air fills with a choking darkness. The black aura from Emma begins to seep into Layra as Emma graps her wrist, forcing darkness inside of her. "Don't worry little storm, you will be next." @InfiniteInsanity @CalanoCorvus
  16. Jason's Dreamscape "It is coming to a head. The war will being soon. When I fall asleep it will all be over. Finally over." Emma's head crashes to the couch and the aura quickly spreads across the rest of her body. In the later years, most would say the first casualty was the first person killed in the endless wars, but they were wrong. The first true casualty was Emma and that was when the war began. @CalanoCorvus @InfiniteInsanity
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